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Can We Trust the COVID-19 Royal Commission?

1st dose and 2nd dose of Covid-19 vaccine on a vial bottle and injection. Syringe on a white table.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

As we outlined in Part One of this article, Professor Tony Blakely has spent the past four years promoting measures against an airborne respiratory virus which contradict basic public health evidence. He holds court with governments and mainstream media as an “expert” when in fact, until and beyond the pandemic, his expertise is social epidemiology. With the exception of covid, he has not focused on infectious diseases.

A likely explanation for Tony Blakely’s erroneous advice, and his elevation by the political establishment as an infectious diseases expert, is his associations, hidden in plain sight, with corrupted power. Commissioner John Whitehead appears to have similar associations. We explore some of these conflicted interests here.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is a research centre based in Seattle, USA, whose Twitter handle states their role as “quantifying global health challenges like COVID-19, and monitoring the global burden of disease”. In synchrony with Tony Blakely’s team in Australia, IHME provided inaccurate, exaggerated mathematical forecasting which contradicted the accepted infection fatality rates for Covid-19, reliably described by infectious disease epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis as early as May 2020 and updated in 2022.

Image Credit: NZDSOS

IHME was established in 2007 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the State of Washington (a public-private partnership). Of the nine founding board members, three rate special mention.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

A medical doctor and Master of Public Health, Gro Harlem Brundtland has held a number of powerful positions including Prime Minister of Norway; Director-General of World Health Organization and co-Chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.

Known as the mother of “Sustainable Development” and lead author of the 1987 Brundtland Report “Our Common Future” which laid the foundation for Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030, she is a powerful figure in the public-private partnership systems between the United Nations and their industry sponsors. Learn more about Agenda 21 from researcher Sandi Adams in her presentation to the World Council for Health; and her recent interview with Dr Tess Lawrie.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg recounts Dr Brundtland inviting pharmaceutical industry representatives to the World Economic Forum in Davos to engage in solving global health problems, in 2002. Concurrently, large foundations including Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust began sponsoring WHO, moving their focus from working on health programs based on need, to meeting sponsor preferences relating to return on investment. Learn more at Trust WHO.

Jane Halton

Jane Halton has held high-ranking positions in a number of Australian government departments. She is also a member of advisory boards with corporations such as the ANZ Banking Group, holds professorships at two Australian universities, and has a long-standing history at the World Health Organization. She is another beneficiary of the public-private partnership systems between corporations and public bureaucracies.

She represented Australia at Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic simulation event funded by Johns Hopkins University and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in October 2019, alongside such luminaries as Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence (the highest level spy in the USA). The focus at Event 201 is described by Robert F Kennedy Jr as being “how to use a pandemic to eliminate constitutional rights and clampdown totalitarian controls“.

During Victoria’s harsh pandemic response, Tony Blakely provided the veneer of academic expertise which was referenced by public servants including the Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, instigating harsh and nonsensical lockdown rules. Jane Halton’s husband Trevor Sutton is a senior-ranking statistician at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and the brother of Brett. Another feature of public-private partnership systems is tight-knit nepotism.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Tedros Ghebreyesus is a highly conflicted individual who held high ranking positions with the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) in his home country of Ethiopia as Health Minister (2005-2012) and Foreign Minister (2012-2016). Listed as a terrorist organisation, TPLF has been accused of violent crimes including oppression, sterilisation and starvation of the Amhara people. Learn about Tedros’ incompetence, aggression and Orwellian language skills in this short documentary.

As Ethiopian Health Minister, following the popular pathway of public-private partnerships, Tedros formed associations with the Clinton Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In an early example of the capture of our medical journals, The Lancet wrote a 2011 feature article promoting him as a health visionary successfully improving the lives of Ethiopians. As well as his IHME and WHO roles, he has held positions with the Clinton Foundation, UNAIDS, GAVI and the Global Fund.  In 2022 he was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society (learn about their conflicts of interest here).

In his first tenure as Director-General of WHO in 2017, one of Tedros’ first decisions was to name Zimbabwe’s murderous President Robert Mugabe as a good-will ambassador to WHO. The decision was reversed after an outcry. Today Tedros is pleading desperately against another outcry, this time from well informed opponents across the globe who are actively condemning the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments.

Tony Blakely and IHME

The main focus of Tony Blakely’s work at Melbourne University has been the use of mathematical models to argue the case for adding cost to general living, in the name of promoting health. For example, modelling the need for healthy-homes policies which introduce new minimum criteria often requiring home owners to spend large amounts of money on upgrades. He has also published on influencing diet choices by increasing costs and adding health star ratings.

These are excellent examples of public-private partnerships where governments establish laws and regulations requiring citizens to consume products and services in order to remain compliant. This is known as corporatism, and it inevitably results in societal degradation.

Tony Blakely “has been collaborating with IHME since 2018 on the adaptation of the VIVARIUM simulation model to undertake macro-simulation of population-level interventions (e.g. tobacco tax).” At a time when 15 Minute Cities and mass surveillance are being imposed on populations, this seems a sinister name for an IHME project, sharing tones of Bill Gates’ “innocent” reference to Covid vaccination as a “final solution”. Wikipedia’s definition of a vivarium is:

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Tony Blakely, Moderna and Anonymous Philanthropy

In April 2022 Tony Blakely authored an article, Covid cases are rising but we probably won’t need more restrictions unless a worse variant hits. Again, he persists with pseudoscientific ideology which does not stand up to scrutiny. This is potentially due to his inability to recognise his own academic limitations and his enjoyment of the limelight, or potentially due to something else.

The article author’s public disclosure statement identifies both Moderna and an anonymous philanthropist.

Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

An April 2023 paper, The health impact of long COVID during the 2021–2022 Omicron wave in Australia: a quantitative burden of disease study declares funding connections between Moderna and Blakely’s employer, the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. This paper is published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, for which Tony has been an Associate Editor since 2017.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist Dr Paul Marik summarised the pharmaceutical industry’s capture of medical journals in this brief clip from his presentation at last year’s Better Way conference in Bath, UK, explaining why high-impact journals are no longer to be trusted. Tony Blakely seems to be a cog in this wheel.

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The Bias of Commissioner John Whitehead

We first learned of Tony Blakely’s associations with Moderna via Lynda Wharton of The Health Forum NZ and videographer Coronavirus Plushie. His co-Commissioner, another lockdown proponent and previous World Bank Executive Director John Whitehead, explained to Michael Laws on The Platform (at around 13m), that everyone has conflicts of interest and these are easily resolved by ensuring the conflicted party abstains from certain meetings.

As Chancellor of Hato Hone St Johns Ambulance, Whitehead is Deputy of the Priory Chapter, placing him front and centre of the vaccine mandates forced upon ambulance staff and volunteers. Some coerced paramedics claim to have been prevented by management from querying or following up on vaccine injuries, whilst observing a dramatic increase in cardiac calls and sudden deaths, especially in young people.

Whitehead’s World Bank connections are concerning given the role of the current World Bank Board of Executive Directors in establishing the multi-billion dollar financial framework for the incoming pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) infrastructure.  This involves escalating public costs being directed into PPR activities of country-level ‘disease surveillance; laboratory systems; emergency communication, coordination and management; critical health workforce capacities; and community engagement.’. This is to be directed by the World Health Organization under a public-private partnership with their corporate donors.

Despite the breadth of industry capture which Whitehead obliquely referred to, many relevantly qualified professionals without conflicts of interest could step into the role as Commissioner. Self-selected abstinence of a biased party is dishonest nonsense. Tony Blakely is already whitewashing the need to look at vaccine effectiveness and safety.


Appointed by the previous government, the New Zealand Royal Commission of Inquiry has the stated purpose “To strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s preparedness for, and response to, potential future pandemics.” This wording is consistent with the World Health Organization narrative, that future pandemics are guaranteed. As a massive pandemic industry structure establishes via the WHO, World Bank, G7 and G20 nations and powerful corporations, we are coincidentally being warned of the need to prepare for Disease X.

Is Commission Chair Tony Blakely’s fraudulently elevated status as an infectious disease expert – holding court with governments, non government organisations, large pharmaceutical companies and mainstream media – his reward for working towards the globalist plans for imposition of a biosecurity state? Is John Whitehead similarly conflicted?

It seems evident that both commissioners are highly compromised and inappropriate choices for the role of Royal Inquiry Commissioner. We appeal to the Royal Commission that they find independent replacements immediately.
