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Canterbury University’s Free Speech Flip Flop

University of Canterbury

Only two weeks ago Canterbury University undertook NOT to censor its students’ comedy revue.

“So it was reassuring to read of the university’s refusal to jump to the prune-faced demands that it suppress the irreverence and bad taste mockery that is a time-honoured celebration of student freedom of speech. We commend the acting law school dean, Professor Elizabeth Toomey, for stating that “the university does ‘not play to the role of censor.’ Given the cowardice displayed recently at some other universities, that showed courage.”


Now, only two weeks later, there has been a complete flip flop from the University which has gone ahead and censored the Canterbury University’s student law revue, instead of maintaining a neutral role that supports freedom of speech.

[…] by doling out punishment to the creators of the Canterbury Law Revue, the University is censoring in spades,” says Free Speech Coalition spokesperson Jordan Williams.
“Forcing community service and placing a stain on the creator’s academic record for what was really just a bad joke illustrates a disappointingly authoritarian streak.
“Canterbury’s flimsy assertion that it protects offensive speech is apparently mere lip service. Free speech is clearly not a valued by its administrators.”
“Sadly, Canterbury University joins Massey University as a once proud institution and bastion of free speech, thought, and student culture giving in to paternalistic censorship.”

Free Speech Coalition Press Release


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