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Chris Hipkins to Enter World Champs for Marching Backwards


For the second time in as many weeks, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has had to march backwards faster than a French Army:

COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has quickly walked back his words after saying Australia is “exporting its garbage” to New Zealand.

Hipkins made the remarks after Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton described a planeload of deportees sent to New Zealand as “trash”.

“This is Australia exporting its garbage to New Zealand. Their criminal offending has been in Australia,” Hipkins told reporters on the way into Parliament on Thursday.

“To all intents and purposes, many of them have lived the vast bulk of their lives in Australia. This is a deplorable move by the Australian Government which we completely disagree with. However, having said that, they are entitled to do it.”

But Hipkins quickly realised that in calling the deportees “garbage”, it sounded as though he agreed with Dutton’s description of the deportees as “trash”.

“I don’t necessarily completely agree with that sentiment, but if that is Peter Dutton’s view, it is his view… probably should have chosen a better frame of words,” Hipkins said.

“I am just reflecting that question that I was asked. If that is Peter Dutton’s view of it, then he is exporting his rubbish to New Zealand.”

Hipkins acknowledged the implications of his words.

“I didn’t mean to suggest that that is what I am calling them. Those are Peter Dutton’s words, not my words,” he said. “Those are not my words; those are Peter Dutton’s words. If he is describing them that way, then he is saying Australia is deporting its rubbish to New Zealand.”


Hipkins is obviously embarrassed at being caught out actually telling the truth. They are actually garbage. But these days Labour is the criminal friendly party in parliament and that would have upset his core constituency.

Hence Nanaia Mahuta standing up for criminal scumbags.

Last month he was insulting Pasifika by suggesting they wouldn’t tour Queenstown before adopting the tried and true French method of marching backwards and retracting his statement.

The problem Chris Hipkins has is he is fast with his words, and then his brain catches up and then he has to retract. Once is a mistake, twice is developing into a bad habit.

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