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Christian Lobby Group Cancelled for Stating a Fact

man in black crew neck shirt with red and white face paint
Photo by Bermix Studio. The BFD.

WND reports on Twitter banning conservative Christian group “Focus on the Family”:

It’s not just President Trump and the MyPillow guy Mike Lindell who are facing the wrath of Twitter in recent days.

Now, the social-media giant has suspended Focus on the Family, an influential Christian-based family organization.

The supposed crime? Its “Daily Citizen” publication stated factual information regarding the biological sex of Rachel Levine, President Biden’s assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services.

[…]The tweet included the following sentence:

“Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

It seems, according to Twitter, simply acknowledging biological fact is now “hateful.”

There’s no doubt in my opinion that WND is having a dig. After all, everyone knows what transgender means so there was no need to explain it. But is doing so really hate speech?

Transgenders believe it is possible for someone to change their biological gender and obviously the Twitter execs believe that too. I don’t. Is that hate speech?

I believe transgenderism is a severe and life-threatening mental illness (check out the suicide stats) and what transgenders need is sympathy, empathy, and understanding, as well as medical and psychiatric treatment that actually works. However, I draw the line when they try to force me to think a certain way or accept as fact something that patently isn’t. Is saying that hate speech?

All this is of course following the trend of social media removing anything it disagrees with, using its “terms and conditions” as an excuse, which of course means anything conservative.


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