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Church going Christians made to Register on Chinese Govt App

red and white flag on pole
Photo by Yan Ke. The BFD.

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg

Staff Writer/Researcher

Tierin-Rose grew up in a large Christian family on the coast of Connecticut. After high school she moved to Alabama to dance with a professional ballet company while attending Liberty University. She served as an MRC Culture intern in Spring 2021 and became staff shortly there after. Her main focus is on pro-life issues and is committed to exposing the lies of the left and to defending babies in the womb.

The CCP strikes again.

The authoritarian regime run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has implemented a new tactic to intimidate and harass Chinese citizens who dare to believe in something beyond the party and the state. Christians are now required to register on a government app to attend worship services in the Henan province, according to a report from ChinaAid.

“If religious believers want to participate in religious activities, they must make online reservations” and have their requests approved.

The form requires applicants to fill in their name, phone number, ID number, residence, occupation and date of birth before they can even make a reservation. If they’re approved they also have to have their temperature taken and show their reservation code prior to entering the venue.

The report also indicated that the elderly, who may not be tech-savvy enough to understand how to work the app, are not exempt from the process and will have to seek assistance from staff to get their reservations in. Effectively, those people are isolated.

ChinaAid indicated that this “Smart Religion” application form is part of the initiative to “strictly manage religion in a comprehensive way, unite and guide the majority of religious believers to follow the Chinese Communist Party unswervingly.” This affects Catholics and other Christian believers, along with Hindus and Muslims.

Like every other interaction between the Party and Chinese citizens, this is about control, control, control.

Speaking of control, this description from ChinaAid is frightening:

The overview of this product utilizes technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, electronic maps, mobile web, and 720-degree VR panoramic map. Through precise positioning and video surveillance of the venues used for religious purposes in Chang’an district, and through religious multidimensional data analysis to improve religious affairs management.

These tools aren’t for protecting the religious rights of people in China but “rather are mediums to accomplish political purposes.”

This is a BIG yikes!
