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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker
The BFD. Headline of the Day.

This is the most ridiculous headline I have ever seen. They have made the story about the unvaccinated when the story is clearly about the vaccinated.

We already expect unvaccinated people to catch the ’Rona, that is nothing surprising at all. What is surprising and what should have been the headline is that two-thirds of the people, in other words, the majority of people (63%) who caught it were vaccinated. When the under 12-year-olds who were not eligible to be vaccinated are taken into consideration (17%) then that only leaves 20% who were unvaccinated.

The cognitive dissonance of this media organisation is very concerning as they are pointing at the minority of unvaxxed people who caught Covid while minimising the shocking real story that vaccination had failed for the majority of people who caught it.

More than a third of Covid-19 cases caught at New Zealand’s border over the space of one week were unvaccinated or ineligible due to their age, a snapshot of data shows.

Of 230 border cases reported from January 12-17, 144 (63 per cent) were fully vaccinated at least seven days before testing positive, the Ministry of Health told Stuff.

One in five (47 people, or 20 per cent) had no doses prior to contracting Covid-19, and 39 (17 per cent) were not eligible to be vaccinated as they were under 12 years old.


An equivalent story would be one about head injuries suffered by riders of bicycles. We would expect that most of the severe head injures would be suffered by those who didn’t wear a bike helmet wouldn’t we?

A story that would surprise us though would be one where they found that the majority of severe head injuries were actually suffered by those who were wearing a helmet rather than those who weren’t. If that was the case would you expect that big story to have headline (A) or (B)?


Head Injuries: One-Third of Severe Head Injuries over One Week Were Not Wearing a Helmet.


Head Injuries: Two-Thirds of Severe Head Injuries over One Week Were Wearing a Helmet.

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.


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