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As his caucus has been chanting about Gaza, waving Palestinian flags and wearing keffiyehs while being sworn in as MPs, [Green co-leader James Shaw] has been curiously absent. A casual observer could assume that, well, Shaw isn’t on the same page as the rest of his party. I’d go further. I suggest, on this issue, he is in a minority of one which is why, if you will excuse the pun, he decided to Cop-out.

I’d wager Shaw would be the only member of the current Parliament that has read Limits to Growth, one of the very few who understands the distinction between Carbon and Carbon Dioxide and, in the minority of his caucus that knows what the Keeling Curve is. […]

Shaw is not the co-leader of the Green Party because you cannot lead if others will not follow.

His party is no longer interested in environmental issues. They are engaged in performative theatre. Tearing down the only member of their party who is genuinely passionate about environmental issues over his failure to denounce Zionism, or whatever is the cultural touch-stone of the week, will generate the only thing his colleagues are passionate about: attention.


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