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Comrade Enjoys Some Natural Justice, Kindness and Integrity

This Is Going to Hurt Me Far More than You. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

In 1979 there was a famous criminal trial in Britain where the former leader of the Liberal party, Jeremy Thorpe, was accused of conspiracy to murder (and a few other things). Some years earlier he – [may or may not have] – had a homosexual relationship with a chap called Norman Scott. Regardless, he was blackmailed by Scott. Thorpe then allegedly entered into an extraordinary conspiracy to have Scott murdered.

During the trial at the Old Bailey, the establishment rallied around one of their own. Certain evidence inexplicably went missing and a parade of well known upper class friends of Thorpe took the witness stand to denounce Norman Scott. Famously during his summing up to the jury the Judge also denounced Scott calling him a liar, blackmailer, and all round rotter – basically asking the jury to acquit without actually saying so.

The jury did indeed acquit Thorpe, although in fairness if I was on a jury and the “victim” took the witness stand and openly admitted to being a liar, fraudster, blackmailer and all-around scumbag; well, it’s not a good look is it? I’m not sure I would believe his accusations either.

Shortly afterwards the comedian Peter Cook hilariously satirised the Judge’s summing up to the jury (it really is incredibly funny, so click and watch); it ends with “….you are now to retire, to carefully consider your verdict of not guilty”.

Fast forward to this afternoon and the Socialist party MPs are meeting to discuss the Sharma Affair. He has accused colleagues of bullying, gaslighting and causing backbench MPs to feel very uncomfortable. When concerns were raised with the Prime Minister’s chief of staff they (it would seem) were basically ignored.

(As an aside, dear reader, notice how none of the media has asked Ardern the obvious question of “What was your response, what did you do, when your staff member discussed their meeting with Dr Sharma and his claims of bullying?”)

So let us put this into some sort of context –

1. The socialist party has spent the last century (laughably!) claiming to speak for the powerless against the powerful.

2. Although let’s not mention the “gangster” tactics of their union thugs during that century.

3. In recent times Ardern has claimed to be the sole person in NZ possessing any “kindness.”

4. Oh and the only government which has been “transparent” in our history.

5. Their moral righteousness has been known to bring various Labour leaders to tears of pride whilst looking in the mirror.

6. You get the general idea of how sickeningly priggish these people are, and have been, for an awfully long time.

So now we have a cast iron, undeniable, example of their moral righteousness not being quite what they claim and their response has been to gaslight – ‘There’s no bullying here; stop mischief making’ – and criticise the accuser. It is rather like their ludicrous claims that merely by existing, merely by being socialists, they cannot be racist.

So today they will hold a caucus meeting where they will ask themselves to investigate themselves and their moral failings, hypocrisy, and general nastiness. At its conclusion they will declare themselves to be innocent of anything – despite all the evidence – simply on the reasoning that “we are the champions of the oppressed and the powerless, so how can we possibly be guilty?”

If Dr Shama (rightly!) says “but I just proved everything is true” the response from Ardern will be “It doesn’t matter. Next!”

What sort of natural justice, kindness, or integrity is that comrade?
