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The annual CO2 emission party when all the anti-fuel greens fly around the world and stay in expensive hotels on our dime has drawn to a close with the usual failure to agree. At least St Greta’s yacht got her to Madrid on time for her guest appearance, so that’s a plus.

The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) were grumpy that they did not get a hand-out to save their non-drowning islands from drowning and blamed countries including Australia, the United States, Canada, Russia, India, China and Brazil for it all.

These evil countries had failed to submit revised plans that would keep the rise in global temperatures under 1.5°C this century. Maybe they are smart enough to realise that the coming solar minimum is going to drop temperatures more than this without the need to bankrupt their economies?

How NZ missed getting blamed is unclear. Are we small enough to be considered a ‘Small Island State’ or were we so virtuous with the Zero Sense Bill that we were given a pass?

You see, we all have to make climate pledges by the end of 2020 – and some naughty nations are refusing to do so. How they could be so truculent when UN Sec Gen António Guterres had told delegates that “the point of no return is no longer over the horizon” is beyond comprehension.

Were these nations not listening to the school children climate strikers or the older children Xtinction Rebellion protesters. Surely their protest efforts were of more use than stopping sea level rise with a teaspoon?

There are close to 200 nations now and 84 have promised to “enhance their national plans” next year. Possible suggestions include reprinting with a more woke cover as an enhancement.  73 nations have decided to commit ritual economic hari-kari like NZ and go for net-zero by 2050.

Carlos Fuller, AOSIS chief negotiator, is reported as saying,

“We are appalled at the state of negotiations – at this stage we are being cornered, we fear having to concede on too many issues that would undermine the very integrity of the Paris agreement.”

“What’s before us is a level of compromise so profound that it underscores a lack of ambition, seriousness about the climate emergency and the urgent need to secure the fate of our islands.”

One of the worst current offenders, India, is ducking for cover and suggesting the rich chumps have not delivered. Their chief negotiator,  Ravi Shankar Prasad, said:

“The Paris agreement talks about the leadership of the developed countries, it talks about the peaking of greenhouse gases earlier in these countries, so we need to see these things. You have to honour what you agreed.”

Delegates are convinced that they will get it right next year in Glasgow so have already booked their flights and hotels.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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