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Council Fun Police Are Coming for Your Fireworks

Just because some people are irresponsible does not mean that the vast majority who are responsible should have their rights taken away. Family fireworks at home, at the beach or at your local park may soon be a thing of the past if the local government Fun Police get their way.

Traditions are part of our heritage and culture. If they take away our family fireworks night they are taking away a family tradition where parents and children spend precious time together. In today’s modern world we are spending less and less time with our families. Celebrations like Easter, Christmas and Guy Fawkes are an excuse for families to spend time together. They are important.

Guy Fawkes has already been neutered as a number of the fireworks from our childhood days are now banned. Also, activities that were lots of fun, like making a guy and burning him on a bonfire, no longer happen. Now councils are wanting to take even the little we have left away.

Local government leaders are calling for a ban on the sale of fireworks for private use.
A remit proposing the ban got 64 percent support at Local Government New Zealand’s conference at the weekend.
Auckland councillor Cathy Casey […] said private fireworks caused significant harm and distress – including damage to properties and worry for animals.
“The adoption of this remit gives hope to all who suffer as a result of careless or malicious fireworks use,” she said.
Ms Casey said New Zealand is way behind Australia – which banned private fireworks about 30 years ago.
She said public displays were much better and safer.
“We will still be able to enjoy displays of fireworks at well managed events which bring people together to celebrate the diversity of Aotearoa,” she said.
Ms Casey said it was now up to the government to put a ban in place.


Diversity huh? Well, I don’t want to be forced to watch fireworks with hundreds of others. I don’t want to be forced to pay to watch a council-approved display and to have to travel a significant distance and then search for parking. I want to do what I and my family did last year, which was to set up our chairs on the beach, light a small fire inside our portable fire pit, toast marshmallows and drink hot drinks as we responsibly set up our family-sized box of fireworks.

Many other families joined us at the beach and we all got to enjoy each others’ displays. It was done safely and everyone cleaned up afterwards. It was a most enjoyable night and one that I hope was not our last.


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