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Courage Is the First of Human Qualities

flag of USA on grass field
Photo by Aaron Burden. The BFD.

Harry Palmer

The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, says:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

You hear a lot that the second amendment was conceived to help citizens who might need a means of self defence, but as Noah Webster (1758-1843) of the Merriam-Webster dictionary wrote:

Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.

Hence why the Biden/Democrat Party and their (RINO) colleagues in the opposing political party wish to disarm the population: they cannot accept the thought of anyone, let alone a citizen ‘militia’, opposing them as they pursue their globalist goal – the ruining of the country and then its gifting to a supranational organisation built on the foundation of the ‘United Nations’. So they pretend, in order to ‘justify’ their attempts to remove civilian firearms, that gun ownership is the cause of mounting crime statistics, despite up to 44 per cent of guns recovered following a crime being held illegally (and recent mass shootings indicate mental illness is no barrier to a gun license in some states). I have little doubt that the paranoid fear of a population uprising was also behind the tightening of gun laws in NZ and Australia, as a necessary precursor to the stringent restrictions to be imposed on personal liberties. I suspect more will come as part of the Great ‘Plan’ or ‘Reset’.

As Patrick Henry, one of America’s ‘founding fathers’ (and famous for exclaiming “Give me liberty or give me death”) wrote:

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.

This year could be the making or breaking of America and with it the countries of the Western world, like New Zealand, that rely on the United States for protection, cultural and moral guidance and its reserve currency, the almighty dollar.

The corrupt Democrat Party that is currently in power in America, and those assisting them in transitioning the country into a failed state ready for absorption into the next great empire, are advanced in their plans and have much invested in them by numerous parties, including powerful corporations like Disney and BlackRock, that they cannot afford to lose the forthcoming election in November. One can almost feel their desperation as exuded by their captive mainstream media.

Meanwhile, the ruination continues. Encouraged by the Biden administration, 2.47 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border of the United States over the year ended September 2023 and the cultivation of the criminal element in America’s major cities is ongoing. Political ‘leaders’, members of the Democrat party in Los Angeles, Portland, New York and others, are in full “Do what thou wilt” (the motto of Aleister Crowley) mode and in many cases doing away with cash bail so criminals are set free with a court date and are able to do it all again. And they’re not just the usual petty criminals: in New York, for example, criminals have deliberately pushed passengers onto rail tracks in front of oncoming trains. All the while, billionaire funders like George Soros are crossing palms with silver in order to get district attorney prosecutors elected to positions where they can continue the mayhem by not prosecuting felons. These same politicians are the ones whose cities are plagued by tens of thousands homeless on the street, thieving and dying for their drug habits; and they patronise violent organizations like ‘Black Lives Matter’ and demand the police be defunded.

The US has around $34 trillion (a billion billion) in debt, and so, while Biden and his Democrats keep throwing more and more money away on useless unwinnable wars like in Ukraine (which some say is to cover a gigantic money-laundering operation to deliver money back into their own pockets), in order to save money at home, infrastructure like roads and airports deteriorate and major projects are no longer considered.

Then there’s the wrecking of the education system and the ‘Divergence, Equity and Inclusivity’ programmes in place in major corporations, local and central government and educational institutions, largely pushed by the ‘Exterminate Whitey’ crowd that has been seeded in NZ, too,  by self-flagellating ‘whities’ and self-proclaimed Maori who have only a trace in their DNA.

Add to this the mentally ill that scream you should address them by their chosen pronouns, otherwise you’re deliberately insulting and humiliating them. In Scotland a bisexual woman politician barely out of school – she’s 22 – is advocating for a law that can send a parent to prison for seven years if they refuse to use the ‘correct’ pronouns for their child.

Then there’s Hunter Biden whose father can see no wrong in. The bloke admitted he was so out of it on drugs that he once tried to smoke Parmesan cheese. I could list all his wrong doing, but you know it already. As with his father, the authorities are reluctant to have him appear in court facing charges over, among other things, the crimes exposed on his laptop.

Of course, like with Covid and the ‘global warming’ scam, the politicians and their ‘deep state’ and globalist puppet masters call anyone casting suspicion on the US 2020 election result conspiracy theorists and spreaders of disinformation. Meanwhile the evidence of interference in that polling continues to pile up and little has been done by the authorities to investigate or correct the issues before this year’s election. Why would they investigate something that would have them thrown out of power?

So, in order to clinch the deal of getting their man elected for another term (or perhaps someone like Michelle Obama), the Democrat Party decided it might help to get their biggest opponent to their ruining the country thrown into jail. And so those Soros-funded DAs are pulling out all the stops to find a crime deserving of prison time that they can pin on Donald Trump. An alternative strategy is to dream up some spurious excuse to have him removed from the ballot.

After four years of pushing the country down the road to hell, the Democrat Party is not going to allow the undoing of all the work they’ve put into it… at least, not without a gigantic struggle and, based on recent history, perhaps murders and assassinations as well.

One of the things Trump will need to do to set the tone of his presidency, is clear his deep-state enemies from government departments like the FBI and CIA, who, on behalf of the Democrat Party, have lied continually from before he gained the office of the president. He will hopefully also free all those imprisoned on the ridiculous grounds of being part of an ‘insurrection’ on 6 January 2021. An insurrection where the only armed people present were the DC police – one of whom, Michael Byrd, shot dead Ashli Babbitt but was exonerated of any responsibility and subsequently promoted to captain…

As the biggest provider of finance to the United Nations, the United States is the equivalent of the ‘anchor’ property in a large shopping mall. If America goes down, then all the other countries under its influence and which gather in the United Nations General Assembly will, I believe, soon follow. This is another reason why the Democrats are desperate to stay in power: they’re being egged on by the European community and the UK.

Now with a centre-right coalition, perhaps NZ will be one of the last dominoes to fall if the Democrat Party is given another four-year term. If the Democrats win the presidency again this year, it will be through a repeat of their chicanery, which will become firmly embedded. It’s likely the White House will become their permanent home. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, and with many judges already on the Democrat payroll all that will be left to do to win court cases brought against them in the future will be to pack the Supreme Court with sympathisers. Game, set and match… Let’s hope our own politicians can raise themselves from their torpor and have the guts to decide to go their own way – the way that benefits the people rather than the God-forsaken plutocrats whose lust for power over others is nothing less than maniacal.

I fear that if Klaus Schwab’s friends ‘win’ the presidency in November, they’ll soon find out what the second amendment was conceived for by America’s founding fathers two-and-a-half centuries ago.
