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The Prime Minister, the Government and the Director-General of Health would have us believe that last week’s announcement about masks and the Director General’s very public COVID test were just a coincidence and had nothing at all to do with the outbreak in South Auckland.

To quote the NZ Herald at 10:56 on Tuesday night:

“Bloomfield said he was advised just before 3pm today and Ardern said she was told about 4pm.”

Which has since been repeated several times.

Many of us wondered at this remarkable coincidence, but being part of the trusting team of five million, we were willing to take them at their word.

But what if they weren’t telling us the whole story?

To quote the superstar of climate change: How dare they!”

The BFD.

How dare they!

A little bird told me today that mid-last week, there were security guards outside the address in question. The same little bird told me that they wondered why at the time. After all, they thought to themselves, why would anybody want to keep people away from their house. It seemed a little odd.

Later, through another little bird friend, they found out that it was for health reasons (meaning a suspected COVID infection), and that means health authorities knew there was a problem brewing at that address.

That being the case, it’s a long stretch to expect the long suffering public to accept this remarkable series of events linking last week and this week as a coincidence.

There are two possibilities: The two top dogs were telling the truth and didn’t know, in which case they should resign and look for new jobs because the level of ineptitude in their management of this whole thing is beyond belief, or, they simply didn’t tell the truth.

Neither is acceptable.

If my little bird and his little bird friend are correct, Gerry Brownlee is completely vindicated for saying we’re not being told the whole story and so are those of us who have been saying so from the beginning including Opposition Leader Judith Collins.

This government has already proved itself to be about as transparent as a 2 metre thick solid concrete wall, and some might argue, about as bright.

Several little birds tell me they’re on very thin ice.

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