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The BFD Crybaby

Today’s crybaby of the week is supposed to be a really tough gangster as he is the ‘President’ of the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom.

Sonny Fatupaito, ‘President’ of the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom.
The Waikato Mongrel Mob has condemned Simeon Brown for his “racist, bigoted views”
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Sonny Fatupaito, President of the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom says Brown’s comments about the tangi are insensitive.

“Through a Pakeha perspective this might be seen as lawlessness, but it was done as part of grieving, respect and love. Something we can all relate to. It is also not up to another culture or person to dictate how one needs to grieve.”
the wire car GIF by Scorpion Dagger
Cut them some slack they are grieving…Bigot!

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