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Sir Bob Jones

How amusing to read Otago University’s Professor of Public Health, Michael Baker, advise that the hand-washing hysteria last year re catching Covid was entirely misplaced. He said that while other infections could be caught through physical contacts, not so Covid which is solely transmitted through the air.

It will be recalled that every shop and public premises was required to provide a hand washing facility at its entrance, with signs demanding visitors wash their hands. They still remain in some premises. This is not a criticism. In those early fear-ridden days the world was in the dark at what we were dealing with.

Sadly New Zealand still is with its “hard and fast” bragging to justify maintaining a hermit kingdom despite this being proved nonsense after the arrival of Delta.

Almost alone in the world we continue with this failed lockdown despotism, the exceptions being countries such as Thailand which like here, failed dismally on vaccinations supply. Mind you, despite us being allegedly at the head of the queue for vaccines, many countries have actually vaccinated the public and some such as Britain and Israel are now well into booster shots and moving on to vaccinating children.

Winter is coming in the northern hemisphere and as with flu fatalities, the covid death rate will climb, but almost without exception, as at present, will be confined to the willfully unvaccinated.

In one sense this is a very good thing. In a liberal society people are free to believe whatever fantasy they wish, such as infantile religious faith, and bear the consequences, in the case of covid sometimes being death.

Up until Covid, excess welfarism seemed to have neutered Darwinism which underlies all life forms’ survivability. Covid has temporarily restored a degree of normality.

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