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Freedom Protest Feb 2022

Marie Loretta

The New Zealand media are late to the party but are finally reporting events with a semblance of impartiality. They seem baffled at what they see as a myriad of causes and discontent shown by Parliament Protesters and seem to want to know what we are hopping mad about.

We want an end to Mandates. We want New Zealand to be mandate free and open to all New Zealanders to take part in every aspect of life (no more Vaccine Pass). We want every New Zealander to have access to water (no more Three Waters Reform mandates). We want every New Zealander to have access to Health Care (no more separatism by stealth; He Puapua). Mandates have no place in our nation.

Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.

We see Vaccine Passes as a disgusting violation of our rights as New Zealanders. For us, the implementation of My Vaccine Pass on December 3 2021 was a shameful day for New Zealand. We are appalled that those who do not hold a Vaccine Pass are barred from employment, from dining out, from having our hair cut and from sitting our Drivers Licence because of a medical status. This is even more jarring as Rapid Antigen Tests could enable us to prove our lack of contagion. We see this as medical apartheid. We see this as discrimination.

We are sickened every time Jacinda Ardern condescendingly smiles and dismisses us as subhuman and tells us to get jabbed to access the things we love.

Ruben has come from Auckland and has one mission. He is going to stay until he is allowed to get his Drivers Licence. He said he was going to be standing in the front line staring down the Police until it was all over. He wanted them to see him and know he was there.

Many of us were forced to vaccinate to be able to work to provide an income for ourselves and our families. To pay our mortgage we got the jab. We cannot continue to be dictated to and forced to go through medical procedures to access aspects of our lives.

The COVID19 campaign “Unlock the things you love” absolutely infuriates us. We didn’t unlock the things we love. Instead, we were told that we now need to get boosters. And that we need them every three months. “Two jabs for Summer” some of us could stomach but constant jabs we cannot. And the Red Traffic light setting is not unlocking the things we love. New Zealand is still in a state of lockdown. We are tired of the lies.

Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.

We are angry we were forced to be jabbed when we had reservations about its safety. We all have loved ones who have been Vaccine injured. Lourdes is a 12-year-old from Putaruru who has an Auntie who has had heart problems since her first jab. Lourdes is here for all those who are injured.

Taylor and Oshay came from Palmerston North. They will not be vaccinated as they do not feel it is safe for Oshay who has a medical condition. They stood for hours waving a New Zealand flag in the front line. Oshay cannot access his education facilities without a Vaccine Pass. He is 15 and just wants to learn.

Billie and Ellie are University of Auckland second-year students who were attempting to keep warm wrapped up together in the torrential rain. Billie has an Autoimmune condition and her GP recommended she not get the jab. She wants to continue studying Criminology, music and Psychology but can only take online options as she does not have a Vaccine Pass.

The mandates are an injustice. It’s as simple as that. When students can’t access educational facilities and receive the training to be amazing members of society the system needs fixing.

When South Africa implemented apartheid the international community vilified them. Yet today our New Zealand Government, our Opposition and every MP in the house stands by as Ruben, Oshay, Billie are excluded from New Zealand society.

Colin and Carl from Tokoroa battled Cyclone Dovi because their jobs are in danger of being mandated. They are going to return with a bigger group. We are all going to return with a bigger group.

Russell Coutts captures our sentiment in his post:

“I’m not anti-vaccine (I’m vaccinated) but I’m definitely against forced vaccinations. I’m also strongly opposed to the ever increasing erosion of our human rights and the growing limitations on our freedom of choice.

I believe in having the freedom to be able to question so-called “expert” opinion. I’m against discrimination and the “them and us” society that is being promoted by our current political leaders. I’m against creating different rights, laws and privileges based on Race.”

So we protest because it is the only means left to us. The New Zealand Government will not listen to us. The Prime Minister ignored massive protests on 9 November and 16 December and the constant small groups that followed her as she campaigned to jab New Zealand.

We feel forced to bigger and bolder actions. We would all rather be at home with our families. We would rather be out hunting, fishing, boozing, shopping, playing sports and studying.

I came across a young mum with her one year son Rowan who had travelled from Auckland to stand in Parliament grounds. Rowan is only one and this is not his first protest. His mum would far rather be at home in Auckland than fighting for Rowan’s future in the bucketing rain.

We are not a bunch of misfits and nutters. We are everyday Kiwis who just want our lives back. We are Kiwis who have been pushed to breaking point and feel we have no other avenue left but the occupation of Parliament grounds.

We see ourselves as freedom fighters because we are defending New Zealand and our right to live to our full potential. Not locked up in Red. Not being jabbed every three months to access the things we love.

Those who voted for Labour did not envision the disunity and incompetence and megalomania and delusion that would be unleashed on our beautiful country.

So ending mandates is the basic request.

But we also have a list of other absolute requests that stem from the mandate mindset of this Government, this Opposition and all the Members of Parliament. Absolute in that we cannot back down until every one of our issues is addressed. Everything is on the line now.

This is where it gets confusing for the mainstream media to comprehend. We see vaccine mandates, water mandates and health mandates in the Traffic Light System, He Puapua and Three Waters as three parts of one whole problem. Resolving vaccine mandates still leaves injustice, discrimination and inequality for New Zealanders. Not this week but down the road. We cannot back down on any of them. We are New Zealanders and we need to defend New Zealand from this utter incompetence and future division.

This Government is pushing through Three Waters Reform legislation which Councils and the general public are completely united in their opposition to. The Government has deployed a policy of ignoring the people it represents no matter how many of us use every reasonable means to have our voices heard. We marched in November. We marched in December. The farmers got together and stunned us with a Howl of a Protest and the Mother of all Protests. Jacinda dismissed us all.

Along the way, she lost every ounce of our support. We realised she is lying, conniving, lacking in any empathy but oozing fake kindness. She is a vacuous Prime Minister who runs away from conflict and is unable to offer a solution. She specialises in preening in front of her media while ignoring the blazing mess our nation has become. She has lost all credibility and trust.

We know this Government cannot address the problems it has created. They cannot fix the inequality gap. They cannot fix the housing crisis. They cannot fix our roads. They cannot fix our failing education system. So some of us call for their removal.

He Puapua terrifies New Zealanders. Mandates are the medical apartheid we are protesting today. If Jacinda Ardern implements He Puapua the future is even bleaker for those who seek equality. No one should qualify for healthcare because of their skin colour. We should all qualify for health care because we are New Zealanders.  If we think mandates are scary medical exclusion will be even more dire. New Zealand can barely finance one medical system how will it finance two? It won’t. It will be shambolic. We have seen how well Ardern unleashes a shambles.

New Zealanders are known and gently mocked internationally for our chilled out approach to life. We are the “she’ll be right” nation.  So something needs to be seriously confronting us to get a crowd together. Something needs to be monumentally wrong for hundreds of us to set up camp and refuse to budge until our demands are met. This is no whim. There is no option to back down in Camp Freedom.

This is our future to make or break. If we lose this we lose everything. This is the hill we die on. Mandates – Vaccine Pass. Three Waters. He Puapua.
