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black man riding horse emboss-printed mail box
Photo by Kirsty TG. The BFD.

January 4th, 2022.

When people comment on the dangers to America, an often cited, but incorrect quote from Abraham Lincoln states that “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Lincoln did in fact speak to this issue when addressing the perpetuation of political institutions.  During this presentation on Jan. 27, 1838, to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, he said: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

Michael Burlingame, a chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois Springfield, emphasised that Lincoln “was denouncing mob violence which would lead to chaos, provoking the public to demand law and order, which would be provided by an ambitious leader who would rule tyrannically.”

184 years later this warning still has a chilling resonance for New Xi-Land, and to a lesser extent the UK. There is still sufficient internal political conflict and opposition to guard against such a proposition in the UK, with rebel conservative MPs possessing enough power to bring down a Prime Minister. New Xi-Land is different. I am not sure that there are enough checks and balances in place to prevent an unscrupulous leader from taking advantage and introducing severe restrictions on personal freedoms under the cloak of national security and protecting the safety of the citizens.

The actions of the Ardern Government are beginning to show arrogance and disdain for the general public. Her policies seem to be designed to promote divisions between sections of the population. The usual reason given is to protect and promote indigenous culture and traditional ways of doing things.

I am at a loss to discover what the traditional indigenous method of government was pre-Waitangi other than a state of perpetual conflict and dispute. The Treaty of Waitangi, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, or on Captain Cook’s native Yorkshire dialect Nah then, appen reel gradly T’Waitangi Treaty for thissen, is being exploited for political purposes and what was a continuing process of sharing and co-operation is in great danger of being lost forever. In further words from Cook’s dialect, It sempt reight gud at t’time. If only there had been a version written in Yorkshire, we could be having discussions about the interpretation of the Treaty in perpetuity. A godsend for the grievance and separatist industries.

Her actions and policies are fomenting seeds of division between Maori and other residents/citizens.  She is also managing to sow division within the non-Maori portions of the population. 184 years of progress down the drain – and for what? So that the government can react to actions of dissent and impose more and more controls on the population until it is too late to act against them?

It is an exercise in vote harvesting and control. By ever increasing welfare dependence Ardern can exercise control over a section of the population, both welfare recipients and taxpayers by developing and exploiting feelings of guilt.

Given her almost total control of the MSM, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage in discussion and argument about issues and voice dissenting views. What concerns me is when people dismiss Ardern as unintelligent or dim. She isn’t. She is single-minded in pursuit of her objectives and may be impulsive, not thinking things through, but she is not stupid. (Neither is she in the Mensa category, but she is not completely lacking in intelligence). What does worry me about her is that in clips I see in the UK, she appears to be suffering from stress, and this may affect her judgement.

The NHS in the UK offers the following as symptoms of stress: –

  • difficulty concentrating
  • struggling to make decisions
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • constantly worrying
  • being forgetful

With behavioural changes as follows: –

  • being irritable and snappy
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • eating too much or too little
  • avoiding certain places or people
  • drinking or smoking more

Having considered the above, I worry for my country and can only hope that Jacinda Ardern undertakes a psych eval, for the sake of her country and herself.

Her decision making is a worry and she is in danger of leading the country on the downward slope to repression and worse.
