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CrimeLawNZPress Releases

Disgraceful Sentence for Shooting Cop in the Back

white metal gate
Photo by Grant Durr. The BFD

Darroch Ball
Sensible Sentencing Trust

“It is hardly any wonder police are being shot at in record numbers when we have a judge who has just handed out one of the most disgracefully pathetic sentences for shooting an officer in the back,” says Darroch Ball Leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.

“Shooting a police officer in the back at close range with a shotgun is as despicable and intentional as it gets.”

“Shannon Joseph Henry shot the officer in Hamilton in July this year.  He was jailed today for just seven years and eight months – and only needs to serve three-and-a-half-years as a minimum non-parole period. This is after a starting point of thirteen years in prison.”

“Discount after discount, excuse after excuse, has seen this whittle down to a sentence that would be something akin to a burglary stint.”

“It is one of the most blatant examples of how offender-centric our justice system has become.”

“He showed no remorse whatsoever and is clearly a danger to the community. It was only a matter of luck that this officer wasn’t killed.”

“His actions show a total disregard for the law, the community, and for human life.”

“How a judge can get away with giving this patched gang member a three-year holiday beggars belief.”

“The law is meant to protect our community and provide a sense of accountability and justice. This sentence has blatantly failed to do so.”

“This is not accountability. This is not justice,” says Mr Ball.

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