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Dr Anne O’Reilly Tells Her Story

Image credit: RNZ

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

In an interview with the Nelson Thinker, Dr O’Reilly recounts the events of the last two years and lays bare how she was persecuted by the Medical Council New Zealand.

Long-time and much-loved Nelson GP, Dr Anne O’Reilly is one of the New Zealand doctors who was forced to decide between keeping her registration and speaking out. In the end, she felt that not only could she help more people by speaking out but that she no longer wanted to be constrained by the political agendas and financial lobbying that had become commonplace in institutions such as the Medical Council New Zealand.

We have sadly become accustomed and numbed to the consequences of these insidious and deliberately concealed forces, in the last few decades.


Dr O’Reilly, now on the NZDSOS steering committee discussed how she looked into early treatments and how New Zealand, in lock-step with the rest of the world, discredited and even banned these treatments. She notes how trust was lost in New Zealand health institutes such as the Medical Council New Zealand and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners after informed consent and the Hippocratic Oath were effectively rail-roaded to obscurity.

Despite NZDSOS, Covid Plan B and other groups repeatedly calling on the authorities to look at the data (and lack of it) for policies such as covid elimination, withdrawing of early treatment and mass vaccination, our New Zealand health agencies such as Medsafe and the Ministry of Health turned a deaf ear and a blind eye.

The mass injection with a novel, poorly tested intervention went ahead – resulting in not only the predicted death and disability of thousands of New Zealanders but the collapse of health services. To add insult to injury, the bureaucrats who make up the rules as they go, squashing any criticism, are not being held to account for the disaster they have created.

NZDSOS sprang into action treating the injured who had been ignored and often gas-lighted. These same injured people were often forced to choose between taking another jab and losing their work, their homes and sometimes their families.

Dr O’Reilly did not hesitate to join the team and help those the government mandated and then discarded. She describes her time in the NZDSOS online clinic as the most difficult in her 42-year career, witnessing the mandated health professionals and teachers, desperate to keep their jobs and then dealing with the fallout of those who had been harmed.

Persecution by the Medical Council New Zealand

Dr O’Reilly goes on to explain the process she was put through by the Medical Council New Zealand, resulting in her eventual suspension and her decision to de-register. Many other NZDSOS doctors are under investigation and/or have been suspended by the Medical Council New Zealand for nothing worse than providing informed consent.

These doctors are not advised of their misdemeanours, nor have any patients been harmed. Yet the Medical Council New Zealand insists on enforcing draconian restrictions on these doctors to avoid suspension. The indemnity body meant to represent these doctors has taken the “soft” approach, advising doctors not to stand up to the Medical Council New Zealand. In fact, they have threatened to withdraw legal support should doctors not follow their “advice” of refraining to speak out.

New Zealanders and citizens of the world, the very regulatory bodies set up to protect the public are doing the exact opposite.

NZDSOS will continue to provide information that the authorities would prefer that you do not see. We will continue to speak out in public. We continue to count the toll of this most horrendous chapter in human history. We are informing every politician, doctor and health official.

They know what they have done.

