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Dr Seuss

It took them a while but the social justice warriors have finally tweaked that Dr Seuss books are raaacist.  /sarc

Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement that coincided with the late author and illustrator’s birthday.
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On Dr Seuss’s birthday of all days. Nice one.

[…]“Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles,” it said.

Translation: We caved to SJW pressure.

[…]In “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” an Asian person is portrayed wearing a conical hat, holding chopsticks, and eating from a bowl. “If I Ran the Zoo” includes a drawing of two bare-footed African men wearing what appear to be grass skirts with their hair tied above their heads.

Please say it isn’t so! Quick, burn every Dr Seuss book lest our kids end up having to go to therapy for the rest of the lives. “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” was published in 1937. You can’t go and take today’s values and apply them to something from 84 years ago. It just doesn’t work that way.

[…]Random House Children Books, Dr. Seuss’ publisher, issued a brief statement Tuesday: “We respect the decision of Dr. Seuss Enterprises (DSE) and the work of the panel that reviewed this content last year, and their recommendation.”

Which is a polite way of saying “What the hell are you thinking?”

Editor’s note: Now would be a good time to purchase these titles second hand or new as their value as collectables will increase from the day of the ban forward.

The BFD. Screenshot 6 March 2021 3.13pm NZ time

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