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Swe died unexpectedly last week, one of many collateral victims of the coup. The BFD.

29th June 2021

The many deaths viewed as collateral damage often go unreported. Below is a poignant picture of a much-loved citizen who died because of a lack of access to medical care.

Swe died unexpectedly last week, one of many collateral victims of the coup. The BFD.

Swe died unexpectedly last week, one of many collateral victims of the coup. Swe was unable to access proper medical care due to the collapse of the health system in Myanmar. To many, he was a friend, a guide, a Burmese teacher in his taxi, and a burst of laughter.

The protests have substantially reduced because of the aggressive tactics of the army, but they rebels now use lightning leaflet strikes and other hit and run tactics to show resistance to the Junta.

Monywa, Sagaing District. The BFD.

In Monywa, Sagaing district, youths on motorbikes blanketed downtown with anti-junta leaflets.

In Tamwe township, Yangon, mini explosions take place on a regular basis, and whilst not causing major damage, they are a source of great annoyance and irritation to the Tatmadaw as they seek unsuccessfully to impose total control of the township.

Tamwe township. Yangon. The BFD.

The military are reduced to taking random pot-shots at anyone in general, who happen to be in the neighbourhood.

Continuing the theme of harassment of the military, there were 4 explosions in KyeikLatt, Ayeyarwaddy region. This tactic is becoming widespread and is a source of great irritation to the military and is much harder to defend against.

KyeikLatt, Ayeyarwaddy region. The BFD.

Whilst the dissent continues, so does the brutality.

Ma Eaint, a film director. The BFD.

Ma Eaint, a film director was abducted and taken to the notorious interrogation centre of Shwe Pyi Tha. It was reported that she was brutally tortured, and her toes were smashed.

In Kayah state, soldiers were caught in the act of stealing livestock from homes. This shows how desperate some of the military are for food to supplement their rations which are in short supply when they are on deployment.

More looting by the military. The BFD.
Military stealing chickens in Kayah state. The BFD

I have moved away from the usual reports of military action and conflict to give a little picture of what everyday like is like in Myanmar, and what the citizens have to endure. To make matters worse, Covid 19 is surging again and with limited medical facilities it is in danger of escalating out of control and infecting neighbouring countries.

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