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Police deputy commissioner Wally Haumaha
The media company Stuff has accused police deputy commissioner Wally Haumaha of trying to coax a reporter into writing a sympathetic story about him.
Mr Haumaha strongly disputes the interpretation from Stuff that he was trying to coax the reporter, and says the context does not support that conclusion.
[…] Stuff said Mr Haumaha had acted inappropriately during an interview by allegedly saying to the reporter, who is Maori, “I would expect the support of some of our Maori journalists”.
“Stuff said this was a failed and regrettable attempt at coaxing a senior reporter into writing a sympathetic story.

[…] “We don’t agree with the interpretation that [Mr Haumaha] was trying to coax the reporter to write a favourable story on this topic,” Mr Dewar said.
“He had made it clear that he would not speak on the topic [of the bullying allegations] at all before the interview, and before that passage of the transcript that has been quoted.
“When the interview is heard, it is clear that the context of those comments do not support the submission that he was trying to coax or in any way coerce this reporter.”
“He had agreed to be interviewed, understanding that it was confined to his role in the aftermath of the Christchurch tragedies.”



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