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The BFD. Face of the day.

An Open Letter:

Dear Mr Deeply-Disappointed,

I was moved, almost to tears, not by the terrible photo your propaganda arm chose to illustrate your comments, but by your heartfelt words of concern for the sub-group of Aotearo-ites consistently suffering worse health outcomes, and shorter life-expectancy, than other sub-groups, and the failure to improve those outcomes pro-rata despite all the advances of modern medicine over one-hundred and eighty years.

To take the initiative in creating a separate Health Authority charged with improving things for that sub-group is commendable and your quip about relative ownership of resources and allocation of such shows your mind as sharpness is to a pin, just as your heart is in all the right places.

Far be it for me to point to any paradoxes in your position, but there’s another sub-group suffering worse health outcomes, higher morbidity, higher injury rates and lower life-expectancy relative to other sub-groups of population despite all the advances of modern medicine over the last one-hundred and eighty years. They are called men, or males, I believe you are quite familiar with them.

So: are you going to establish a Male Health Authority, using identical justifying criteria, charged with improving the inequitable outcomes for this extremely well-documented as disadvantaged cohort? And if not; why not?

Or is this a farce; an extremely expensive and unnecessary sop to the radical lefty racial-separatists infesting the pews of the Labour Party church, just as Ms Collins implied?


Who Is Conning Whom?

Who Is Conning Whom?

The prime minister’s attention was caught by David Seymour: “Prime minister, I think I have a solution to the crime problem.”

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