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Image credit The BFD
You know that when even the Prime Minister’s biggest cheerleader Tova O’Brien turns on her, that the wheels may be falling off this government.

Is the honeymoon over?

The PM is being accused of misleading New Zealanders over the new hate speech legislation being proposed by making inaccurate statements about it. The argy bargy is over how low the bar will be in terms of what qualifies as hate speech.

Justice Minister Kris Faafoi acknowledged the new laws would make the bar as low as insulting someone, but the PM disagreed.

She argued it had to be an insult that would incite violence.


Iwi Bandits Are at Work

Iwi Bandits Are at Work

If iwi keep inventing new privileges under Article Two of the Treaty, then the Crown should use Article Three which says that Māori rights and duties are the same as those of everyone else.

Members Public
No More Shirking from Home

No More Shirking from Home

The Government orders people shirking from home back to the office. The wailing and howling from the unions and Labour is hilarious.

Members Public