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The thing is: I don’t she’s reached anything like peak dishonesty yet, there’s plenty of gas left in that particular tank. Such brazen ‘disinformation’, but at least we know who wanted the portrait moved:


Fact: Winston Churchill advocated for bombing dissident groups to assist in putting down armed rebellion by, in his words, making “his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas”, tear gas, which “would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected.”

Fact: Saddam Hussein bombed innocent civilians using a combination of Mustard Gas and deadly nerve-agent Sarin. This act was preceded by conventional bombing using high-explosives designed to smash windows and grates so that civilians, who routinely sheltered from shelling and bombing by withdrawing to their cellars, would have no way of preventing the heavier-than-air gas combination from seeping into their sanctuaries. It was a despicable evil, a truly monstrous crime.

Ghahraman, the two-minute expert on Churchill, pretends the two; proposing the tear-gassing of dissidents and the calculated mass murder of innocents, are the same things. She is not that stupid, her tweet is a deliberate, utterly shameless, slander.

She makes vileness blush; with envy.
