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Update: Our latest stats reveal that yesterday we didn’t have over 100,000 views of the site it was in fact over 200,000 views!

Today’s face of the day has to be BFD author Cam Slater as yesterday because of his article The Good the Bad and the Ugly (which went viral) The BFD had a massive 200,000 plus views yesterday smashing all previous records and making it our most-viewed day ever in the history of The BFD.

Typical of Cam he missed all the excitement as he was out hunting Fallow deer with a mate. Last report from the Boondocks they had shot 5 deer.

Well, Cam thanks to you The BFD has smashed another target and we will keep shooting for the stars!

**In other news the massive surge of people to the site prevented access to the backend by staff as the site struggled to cope with the sheer size of the demand so today will be a lean day content-wise as we didn’t regain access till after 10.30 pm last night so were unable to load much content.

Sorry guys
