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Krissy Oliver and Steve Oliver at the Freedom and Rights Coalition March in the Domain.

Today’s face of the day has been fined $12,000 for refusing to discriminate against his unvaccinated employees as he was ordered to do by an unjust law issued by Jacinda Ardern’s Apartheid creating government.

Krissy Oliver and Steve Oliver at the Freedom and Rights Coalition March in the Domain.
It is not morally acceptable to create two classes of citizens and to rob people of their livelihoods by discriminating against them.

Today’s face of the day is this guy:

Steve Oliver is this guy.

Much respect to Steve Oliver. He is doing the right thing at huge personal cost. If more businesses told the tyrant Ardern that they refuse to be her brown shirts enforcing apartheid and discriminating against their employees and customers she would be stripped of her power.

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.
