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Sir Collin Tukuitonga

Todd Stephenson

ACT’s Health and Public Service spokesperson

In light of the resignation of Sir Collin Tukuitonga from a number of advisory roles, ACT welcomes the resignation of any public officials who can’t bring themselves to implement the programme outlined by the elected Government.

Public servants are employed to serve the public through the government of the day to the best of their abilities.

If someone believes they can’t do that because of their personal political beliefs – including the belief that some ethnic groups should be treated differently by the government simply because of their race – they should resign.

It’s in no one’s interest to have top public advisors glumly going through the motions in high-paid positions when potential champions for service delivery would jump at the chance to fill those roles. In short, get with the programme or get out.

ACT thanks Sir Collin for his service and wishes him well in future endeavours.

Discuss it on The BFD.
