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“Want aid from America? Stop paying murderers” Bolton tells Palestinians.

Trump advisor John Bolton has issued a clear warning to the Palestinian leadership this week. He has made it crystal clear that they can continue funding terrorists and their families or they can have American funds. They can’t have both.

[…] Stop funding terror or there will be no U.S. financial aid. That was the message U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton had for the Palestinians on Monday when he addressed the Christians United for Israel conference in Washington, D.C.
Bolton didn’t stop at the Palestinian Authority, taking aim at the Palestinians’ dedicated United Nations agency, UNRWA, whom Bolton told to “stop promoting hate against the United States of America and its citizens.”


I am thrilled to hear this. It has always amazed me that America has handed over millions in aid each year despite knowing that it was being used to fund terrorism against Israel by people who hate America. It is about time that the corrupt Palestinian Authority was brought to heel and held accountable for how they use the funds.

Boris Johnson being interviewed by Jewish News’ Justin Cohen

In other good news, possible future PM of the UK Boris Johnson has vowed to maintain the proscription of terror groups on EU banned lists after Brexit and to pursue Palestinian leaders over their policy of paying salaries to terrorists.

[…]  he added the moment for this country to formally recognise Palestine would be when Palestinian leaders “meaningfully recognises Israel and stops threatening to revoke recognition”.
He also strongly condemned the Palestinian policy of offering salaries to terrorists. There are funds that are made available to the Palestinian Authority […] I think it’s ludicrous that there should be any kind of financial incentive or compensation for terrorist activities


Just imagine how great it would be if both the President of America and the Prime Minister of Britain were united in withholding funds to the Palestinian Authority. For too long the PA has refused to consider any kind of peace deal and have acted as if they held all the cards. It is time that world leaders smacked them down hard and made it very clear that they accept Trump’s peace deal and stop all terrorism or all aid will be taken away.


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