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First NZ Covid Vaccine Death was Published in 2022

Photo by mohamed_hassan. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The details of her untimely death were written up as a case history and published in J Clin Immunol in January 2022.


The 57-year-old woman of Chinese descent died in July 2021 shortly after receiving her first Pfizer vaccine. She had previously been well. The day after her vaccine she experienced increasing lethargy and had to leave work early because of worsening fatigue. She had an episode of breathlessness and complained of a stiff neck as well as upper limb pain. She had a sore throat but located her discomfort in the region of her breastbone.

During the remainder of the day, she became increasingly unwell. The following day she consulted her GP complaining of a sore throat, back pain, fatigue and an episode of blood in the urine, which had occurred the previous night. She had difficulty getting out of the car and experienced a fall at the family physician’s surgery. She did not complain of palpitations.

She had blood tests done on the second-day post vaccine which showed raised CRP (marker of inflammation), ferritin (iron) and ALT (liver enzyme).  There was no mention of troponin or ECG findings.

On the third day, she was diagnosed with a urine infection and treated with trimethoprim (a common antibiotic for such infections). During that night (three days after vaccination) she was found dead in bed.

She had a post-mortem which showed a slightly enlarged spleen and a large thymoma (growth of the thymus gland) in the L chest. The heart appeared normal from external appearances, but histology (microscopic examination) showed significant inflammatory damage to the heart muscle (myocarditis).

After considering other possible causes of myocarditis, the authors concluded that eosinophilic myocarditis due to Covid vaccination was the likely cause of death.

They noted that the family wished to increase awareness of fulminant necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis (lethal inflammatory destruction of heart muscle cells) as a very rare hypersensitivity disorder [following Covid vaccination] requiring urgent assessment and treatment.

Her death and its possible association to the vaccination was briefly mentioned in local media on 30 Aug 2021.  There was information about symptoms of myocarditis (chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations) following vaccination and a suggestion for the public to be alert to these and to seek medical advice if concerned.

The usual spurious statement about myocarditis being more frequent and serious following Covid infection than Covid injection was made at the end of the article, with the suggestion that Covid vaccination would reduce the risk!

Dr Peter McCullough has reviewed the literature relating to myocarditis following coronavirus infections and injections.

From 10.30 in this interview, he runs through a list of studies about myocarditis – first the ones looking to see if myocarditis occurs with Covid infection (conclusion – the risk is minimal with infection), then the ones looking at myocarditis post-vaccination.

His conclusion is that Covid vaccination poses a significantly higher risk of damage to the heart from myocarditis than does a Covid infection.

We wonder whether the family are happy with the ‘increased awareness’ they hoped to achieve by allowing details of the death of their loved one to be published.

Did New Zealanders really get any advice about myocarditis, its symptoms and potential severity or were any tiny whispers of this possible serious adverse effect drowned out by millions of dollars worth of ‘safe and effective’ advertising?

New Zealanders need to alert each other to the risks because our authorities are not doing a good job.
