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Free Speech – Planning for 2020

The BFD. Free Speech. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

Jordan Williams
Free Speech Coalition

Incredible that we’re already in February, but happy new year from all of us at the Free Speech Coalition.

In case you missed it, Dane (one of our Free Speech spokespeople) had an excellent opinion piece published in the Dominion Post / Christchurch Press / Waikato Times newspapers last week.  Deservedly, it gives the Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt a bit of a serve.

[…] The NZ Human Rights Commission champed at the bit to reintroduce proposed restrictions (previously slapped down) in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch tragedy. In an interview with Kim Hill, Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt faltered terribly when trying to explain how restrictions on speech would have prevented the atrocity inflicted upon our Muslim community, and ended up giving no good explanation as to their utility at all.
So why is the thought of speech restrictions so popular with this certain set? The academics? The media class?
There is something speech restrictions can do; in fact, it’s the only thing they can do. They can help you win political arguments by limiting the parameters of discussion. That’s assuming the argument is able to take place at all.
Speech restrictions aren’t a solution to racism. What they are is an expression of reactionary tribal politics, and a solution to dissenting thought.
Feel used? You should. We – that’s all minorities – are tools being cynically appropriated to create a less tolerant and permissive country. They may just get what they want, but don’t think for a moment any of us will be safer. When it comes to the task of truly protecting our communities, we’re on our own. […]

In the next week or so, we’ll be planning our activities for this election year.  Campaigns, the litigation, Podcasts, op-eds – if you’ve got any feedback or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to drop me, David Cumin, Dane Giraud, or Rachel Poulain a line. Your support makes this effort possible, so we certainly want your guidance.

We’re also looking for more volunteers to join the Steering Group.  Most people in the group are not spokespeople, but they are nevertheless essential in getting the word out and coordinating our advocacy work.  If you’d like to become involved, please let me know.

Finally, I should let you know that there have just been some major developments in our case and appeal re Phil Goff/Auckland Council which our lawyers are working through today.

The BFD. Free Speech. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

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