As we’re constantly finger-wagged, the idea that transgenderism is mostly just a fetish for creepy middle-aged men is just so much “transphobia”. After all, it’s perfectly normal and healthy to let middle-aged male fetishists dressed as grossly sexualised caricatures of women hang around women and girls in change rooms.
Even if they turn out to have some alarming obsessions.
Reduxx has learned that a prominent trans activist who served on the board of Transgender Michigan hoarded pornography and graphic images sexualizing young girls and teenagers. Vanessa Emma Goldman, who served as the director of 503(c) charity Transgender Michigan for 11 years, worked alongside the founder of the Trans Day of Visibility.
The “founder” in question is, of course, the Penguin lookalike championed by the same Biden White House that appointed a cross-dressing luggage thief to a senior role. Ms Penguin, it turns out, is not just a cross-dressing Batman villain, but a long-time associate of the paedo tranny activist.
Trans Day of Visibility was created on March 31, 2009, by Rachel Crandall-Crocker, the executive director of Transgender Michigan. Crandall-Crocker worked closely with Goldman.
“Vanessa Goldman” was, in fact, one Vincent Prygoski. Vinnie just loves sniffing around after women: a senior associate librarian at the University of Michigan-Flint for 20 years, he was “very involved” in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and the Women’s Commission. He was also a former chair of UM-Flint’s Faculty Council.
Turns out Vinnie had some pretty sleazy pastimes.
Reduxx has reviewed hundreds of images saved to Goldman’s online photo storage account – which in total amounted to over 70 webpages worth of content, with dozens of images per page. Among the photos “favorited” by Goldman are hundreds of pornographic images of young, naked women in various poses. In a few instances, the subjects appear to be underage.
Other images featured pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and naked or almost naked young girls or infants.
There could of course be an innocent explanation for the collection of photos… except…
Some of the photos appear to have been taken from family photo albums elsewhere on the internet, with the subjects – all women and children – likely unaware that their images had been saved or stolen by Goldman.
While some of the images were not strictly “sexual” in nature – depicting nude children playing at the beach, or girls in gymnastics leotards, for example – Goldman had collected a significant amount of these images in the same album he had largely dedicated to actual pornography.
Then there’s the fact that Vinnie had some disturbingly related fethishes.
Many of the images include high school-aged cheerleaders in their uniforms, a theme Goldman appeared to enjoy as he frequently dressed up in used cheerleader uniforms himself.
Photos taken and uploaded by Goldman to his photo storage account depict him dressed in the uniforms both at home and at a public playground.
He would also edit some of his self-portraits in a manner resembling magazine covers, with names such as “American Cheerleader,” “Teen Queen,” “Cheerleader,” and “Playboy.”
Let’s be clear: what someone gets up to in the privacy of their own bedroom – provided it’s legal – is pretty much their own business. After all, when the UK press tried to shame Max Mosley over leaked photos of his bondage parties, he responded that, yes, he likes to get whipped by women in fetish gear – so what? It didn’t have anything to do with his presidency of the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the governing body for Formula One.
Which is fair enough. Any number of public figures were less than angels, including such icons as Martin Luther King Jr, Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, John Lennon, Roman Polanski and even Matthew Broderick.
In Goldman’s case, too, there’s no suggestion, so far, of actual illegal activity involving children. Just a somewhat creepy and frankly rather sad obsession.
Still, the fetishism and the activism appear too uncomfortably closely related. What the case seems to suggest is that those of us who suspect that, at least in the case of adult-onset male-to-female transgenderism, it’s very much a fetish, not an ‘identity’.