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Government Erodes Parental Role with Vaccine Advice

Nanny State

Family First
Bob McCoskrie
National Director

The latest Government advice regarding booking COVID-19 vaccinations for children is a real concern. It explicitly says:

“as a 12 to 15-year-old, your parent or guardian’s permission is not required if your health care provider is confident you are deemed competent to give consent”

Ministry of Health, 22nd August 2021

Family First NZ says it is disturbed by advice being given by the Ministry of Health regarding the booking of vaccinations for COVID-19 for children.

The guidelines explicitly to 12-15 year olds say:

“as a 12 to 15-year-old, your parent or guardian’s permission is not required if your health care provider is confident you are deemed competent to give consent” and that “if you have a good understanding, you can say yes to getting the vaccine/provide your own informed consent.” (our emphasis added)

It is important to note that Family First supports the vaccination roll-out, but says that it is vital that the programme is accompanied by informed consent, freedom of conscience, and that it respects parental responsibility.

“The Ministry should be working with parents and persuading them about the importance of any health procedure – not working against them behind their back. The issue is not vaccinations per se – it is the erosion of parental responsibility and authority. It undermines the family dynamic which is essential for young people’s development.”

“Medical professionals that we have spoken to say that the advice is bizarre, and that most health professionals would be loathe to inject a 12-15 year old without parental consent. Medically, if the young person had some side effect and the parent was unaware of the vaccine administration, it could be serious and delay proper treatment.”

“Good health professionals will want to work with the family, not behind their back.”

“It also is shocking that the Ministry of Health is pretending that a 12 year old will fully understand the issue and the health risks which may be present in their situation. A recent case from the UK High Court has challenged that flawed assumption. Interestingly, what does this advice mean if the parents do want the child vaccinated, but the child refuses?”

“When will this nanny state end? Parents may be starting to realise that it won’t. It follows the recent announced intention to criminalise parents who prevent their 12 year old from going on puberty blockers, to allow children to change their gender identity at school without informing parents, and to be sneaked off for abortions without parental notification.”

It is disappointing that in such an important health initiative, the Government is so willing to disrespect parents.

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