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Govt Adopts Race-Based Procurement

Jacinda to Tiki. Concept credit Juana. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Hobson’s Pledge Trust

At least 5 per cent of the total number of procurement contracts awarded each year by the government must be awarded to Maori businesses, according to guidelines released last December. See Government procurement.

For government procurement purposes, a Maori business is defined as one that has at least 50 percent Maori ownership or a Maori authority as defined by the Inland Revenue Department.

The Ministry of Maori Development Te Puni Kokiri is working in partnership with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on this project with implementation monitored by a Ministry project team named Te Kupenga Hao Pauaua.

All government agencies procuring any goods and services must provide a report that shows that at least 5 percent of their procurement is from Maori businesses.

How many New Zealanders are aware that the Government has extended race-based affirmative action into procurement? Is this how the Government expands institutional racism?

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