“A humanitarian,” Orwell said, “is always a hypocrite”. Nothing could have prepared him for the Greens, though. Because, when it comes to “progressive” hypocrisy, the Greens are in a class of their own. From pontificating about political donations while trousering the largest donation in Australian history, to blatherskiting about “transparency” while being the only major party to hold their conferences under a strict cloak of secrecy, you name it, the Greens have a double-standard for it.
Especially when it comes to the environment.
A Greens senator is planning to bulldoze dozens of native trees and local flora around her investment property in order to build three luxury homes at the heart of one of the biggest koala habitats in the state.
The party’s deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi and her husband will knock down 20 trees at her investment property in Port Macquarie on the northern NSW coast and subdivide it to build three double-storey townhouses.
And just to put the Greens’ preaching about the “1%” into perspective.
The couple paid $250,000 for the home in 2001, with houses now being sold in the upmarket area of the town for well over $1million.
This is on top of the other three properties she already owns. With two other properties in inner-Sydney and land in her native Pakistan, Faruqi easily nestles in the cosy club of the 1%.
And the environment runs a poor second to lining the pockets of a Greens politician
The architecturally designed plans will require the removal of most of the trees at the property including a hollow-bearing tree, which provides a habitat for native animals, council documents said.
An ecological report tendered to council said the plans ‘will result in the loss of the majority of vegetation on the site’ near Lighthouse Beach.
‘The development will require the removal of native and exotic vegetation on the site. Tree removal comprises planted ornamental trees and native species including Figs, Guioa, Tuckeroo, fruit trees and Tree Ferns,’ it read.
And as for the iconic koala?
‘Up to 20 native trees and shrubs will require removal, as well as ornamental plantings.’
Port Macquarie boasts one of New South Wales’ biggest populations of koalas – about 2,000 of them live there – and hosts one of Australia’s best known koala hospitals.
Land clearing is one of the key reasons why the endangered marsupial is under threat […]
Ms Faruqi has previously been critical of past state governments allowing native forests to be logged and koala habitats to be cleared.
As a state upper house MP in 2016, she opposed the duplication of the Pacific Highway on the NSW north coast because a koala habitat would have been cleared.
That was until the precious koalas got between her and a few million bucks.
The senator and her husband bought their house for $250,000 in October 2001 but Port Macquarie’s median house price is now $851,159, CoreLogic data shows.
Their investment property near Lighthouse Beach is in a more upmarket area, where houses near the water typically sell at prices in the seven figures […]
She did not reveal whether the development would provide more affordable housing for renters.
Daily Mail
As if she’d sacrifice a cool few million by letting peasants sully her shiny, new townhouses.
Face it: your average Greens politician would club a baby seal to death with their bare hands, if they thought it had a few bucks up its jacksie.