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fake news fact check facts

Sir Bob Jones

European – 70.2%
Maori – 16.5%
Asian – 15.1%
Pacific – 8.1%
Other – 1.5%

The above figures show New Zealand’s ethnicity breakdown.

We have a Minister for Pacific Affairs and one for Maori Affairs. Why not one for Asian Affairs?

We all know the answer. Asians; mainly Chinese but also Thais, Koreans, Filipinos, Indians and others, don’t need their hands held. They stand on their own feet. They dominate secondary schools’ top academic performers. Our most famous ever athlete, perhaps after Ed Hillary, is Korean-born Lydia Ko who has a huge international fan base.

If there was a poll for the country’s most popular female, probably at the moment Jacinda would win it, but likely in second place would be Malaysian-born Nadia Lim, and so it goes.

These people came into this country in large numbers over the past quarter century, often penniless, dealing with an alien culture and language and I don’t doubt if measured by a host of desirable criteria, would top the poll on every standard, specially in providing medical services. I shudder to think of the state of the nation had they not arrived.

New Zealand has always suffered an exodus of our best and brightest, understandable given our isolation and small population. But without the Asian inflow we would now be the sick man of the OECD.

That fate may still await us if we don’t open the immigration doors. The average age of European Kiwis is 40, that is past an age of initiating new enterprises.

Like every nation in the world outside of Africa, we are not maintaining our population. Only immigration is sustaining populations in countries such as Britain, Germany and so on. Within a decade there will be heavy competition for migrants. A visionary government should be actively encouraging Asian immigrants while the going is good. Even Japan is now doing that.

Instead we labour under a mind-blowingly inept government, hopelessly out of their depth and obsessed with covid, closing us off from the world.

Well, you can’t fight a war by hiding under your bed. Deluding itself about a low covid death count the government ignores the soaring suicide numbers, the numerous deaths through inability to access hospitals, the widespread depression as any GP or pharmacist will confirm and the huge toll in families split by the idiotic closed borders.

We look with envy at Europe and North American nations run by grown-ups who are getting on with life. Their covid death tolls are almost totally half-wits who for diverse reasons refuse to be vaccinated. Future historians will record the current government in scathing terms. They remind me of the last 3 years of the Muldoon government, denying reality and lacking the courage to confront a necessary new world order.

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