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Hello, Hello…yes, I’d like to Speak to the Disinformation Czar Please

man holding black smartphone in front of a windowpane
Photo by Jim Reardan. The BFD.



I’m not sure which was the tipping point. It might have been this:

“Unfortunately there is a very small but very vocal minority of people in New Zealand who are prepared to communicate information that is patently ridiculous,” says Professor Michael Baker, an epidemiologist at Otago University.

Or could’ve been this:

“Dr Bloomfield used Scotland as a comparator.”

Either way, enough was enough for this concerned citizen…

Hello, hello…yes, I’d like to speak to the Disinformation Czar, please. Thank you. Oh, good morning, yes, yes, ‘All hail glorious leader.’

Look: I want to report some serious disinformation about Deadly Delta. Yes, I have their name…spell it? Ok: A-s-h-l-e-y-B-l-o-o-m-f-i-e-l-d, Dr (him/he).

Well, it’s this nonsense about Scotland and how lucky we all are in justifying this dreadful lock-up…what’s that? No, no; it’s not a lock-down, it’s a lock-up, I assure you – and a stitch-up too.

Anyway, I’ve looked at Scotland’s numbers and this scenario of bodies in the streets being carted away by similarly diseased wastrels to be burned on pyres just isn’t true. The Delta-positive case numbers are high, but heck there’s almost an inverse ratio of cases to deaths compared to previous strains, see for yourself:


What’s that? You want me to do what to myself? And then slither back under my rock and stay there?

I thought this Office was about disinformation?… Yes, I am that stupid it seems, I must be, thank you for your time, all the same.

Yes, indeed, ‘All hail glorious leader’. Bye. Have a nice day.

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