Did you know that there are two easy ways to locate everything a BFD writer has ever written for The BFD?
The first way is as EASY as simply clicking on their name under an article headline.
This trick works even if they are not a regular writer for The BFD. You can use it on articles with “Guest Post” as the author as well. It is a quick and easy alternative to using the search box which is at the top right of the home page with a magnifying glass as the icon.
The second way you may already be aware of and it is useful for searching for articles by our regular writers.
Up the top of the page you will see in bold AUTHORS. Click on that to get a drop down list.
Click on the author of your choice and you will be shown all their past articles in date order.
See how simple and easy it is?
If there are any other things that readers would like to learn how to do on The BFD then please put them in the comments. I am happy to create more tips and tricks posts if needed.
The BFD is not just a daily source of information and entertainment. It is also a virtual library on a myriad of different topics. Learning how to browse it effectively will ensure that you make the most of what we have to offer you.