Apparently our leader is a great communicator. She spells stuff out really clearly. For example ‘Stay home’ and ‘Act like you have COVI- 19’ and ‘Be kind’. All unambiguous instructions.
But it isn’t easy to follow instructions if you don’t understand why. Here’s a simple analogy. I’d never used a clothes drier before. I was told it was important to remove the fluff from the container where it accumulates. Because I didn’t know why it was important I always let it build up. Then one day I was told you need to remove the fluff because it might catch fire. SAY WHAT? Now I remove it regularly.
So, the great communicator hasn’t told me why I have to follow her clear instructions.
1. To stop the hospitals being overrun?
They are currently at around 50 percent capacity apparently. Casual staff are redundant. How long can that state of affairs persist?
2. To eradicate the virus?
So our borders will be permanently closed thereafter? That makes no sense whatsoever.
3. To wait for a vaccine?
We’re in lock down for a year or more? Anyway the flu kills more people and I’ve never had a flu jab. Along with thousands of others.
I’m not a massively smart person. My attention span leaves a lot to be desired. But I don’t get it.
And everyone else seems to because they just keep saying ‘look at Italy, look at the US’. Yes? And we have nothing like that happening here right now. Touch wood the numbers are trending down even.
Yet every day that passes the government persists with more wealth destruction and more borrowing.
And more messages about ‘staying the distance’. But still no explanation about why.
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