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‘I Don’t Need a Lift, I Need Some Weapons’  

The BFD.

Volodymyr Zelensky with his pithy one-liners seems to be more Bruce Willis than Bruce Willis from the Die Hard films. When asked by Biden if he wanted to escape from Ukraine, his comment was, “I don’t need a lift, I need some weapons.”

Bruce Willis played the part of John McClane the blue collar ‘Everyman’ New York cop in ‘Die Hard’. This was the best one of the franchise. After that John McClane keeps coming out of dire situations with hardly a scratch on him. Weirdly, the real John McCain, Trump’s arch-enemy, was in Ukraine in 2016 stirring up ‘regime change’ and achieved it by installing Petro Poroshenko.

You couldn’t make it up. But perhaps Zelensky could, as he was a comedian before he was President.

It’s like a Comedy of Errors. Poroshenko was voted out by the Ukrainians who knew he was a deep-state American puppet. Poroshenko is regularly pictured now in battle fatigues fighting the Russians alongside Zelensky.

Are these Hollywood scriptwriters prescient? When the real John McCain returned from Ukraine he brought back the Steele dossier which was supposed to show Trump’s collusion with Russia.

Bruce Willis’ Die Hard 5 was actually set in Mother Russia but was a bit of a flop as Willis seemed to sleepwalk through it. Some of the by-lines from these movies now seem appropriate, like  ‘Live free or Die Hard’, ‘Die Hard with a Vengeance’ and ‘A good day to Die Hard’.

For overseas mercenaries helping Zelensky it’s like ‘Hotel California’, you can check out but you can never leave, as some found out when hiding in an ambulance trying to get the hell out of Ukraine. Their passports were ripped up. It was front lines or else!

But another group of mercenaries are gung-ho. They are Putin’s ones, the Wagners. ‘Murder is their business.’ They are known for atrocities in Africa and the Middle East.

The name Wagner is taken from Hitler’s favourite composer. Their mission is to assassinate Zelensky. This scenario could be based on Frederick Forsyth’s novel Day of the Jackal.  The plot was to kill the French President. Day of the Jackal was made into a spine-chilling film with Edward Fox playing the assassin.

New Zealand has answered Zelensky’s call for help. We don’t own any tanks or Migs but we can send him $5m of second-hand military equipment like vests. Big Sister Ardern can exhort Zelensky to ‘Put his vest on’ knowing we have contributed to Ukraine’s war effort.

According to ABC and the Daily Wire Biden made another gaffe when speaking to some US troops in Poland. He informed them of what they might see in Ukraine when they got there: women and young people standing in front of invading Russian tanks. This is after weeks of repeatedly saying there would be “No boots on the ground”. But he has just reiterated his ‘Putin must go’ theme, so perhaps he is visualising another regime change.

Perhaps this is Biden’s revenge for Vlad the Bad’s assertion that his son Hunter Biden is connected to the bio-labs in Ukraine through his firm Rosemont Seneca’s investment in Metabiota in 2014.

Many of the deep-state cabal are connected to these bio-labs so Putin has struck a nerve. Ukraine has been a ‘Money go Round’ for the cabal, which is why they were intertwined with the Ukranian oligarchs in the first place.

Whilst Biden was in Poland at the weekend calling Putin a “butcher”, Putin himself seemed to switch his game-plan and started bombing Lviv: a city that had previously not come under much fire but was very close to Poland’s border. This was followed up by Russia’s Defence Minister hinting about nuclear weapons.

When is ‘Die Hard 6’ coming up? Die Hard has been a billion-dollar franchise. Bruce Willis could take out Vlad the Bad without a scratch! Hoping Zelensky can do the same!

The Beatles wrote the song ‘Back in the USSR’ a bit before 1991, when the Soviet flag over Ukraine finally came down on Christmas Day.

This song parodied the Chuck Berry classic ‘Back in the USA’.

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia’s always on my mind.


Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Jim Bolger thought he was secure when he went overseas as Prime Minister, only to be met by my father telling him Jenny Shipley had the numbers to roll him. Chris Hipkins now dances with the same perils as he swans off to the UK.

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