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I Wonder If the Government Planned to Feed Parents Too?

The government launched their ill-conceived school lunches programme and it already appears to have unintended consequences. We received this email on our tipline yesterday:

Hey there get a load of this, my primary age daughter tells me the wastage of the taxpayer-funded free lunch at her school is high so I told her to stuff her bag with the unwanted and bring it home which she happily obliges as plenty go straight in the bin!

I’ll take these to work or her older siblings and mum will snack on them too!

Gee whizz nice one Labour keep it up. Hah, we’ll, be broke in no time.

We can also confirm, from very good sources, that one of the providers of school lunches has conducted surveys of the schools they supply.

Their surveys suggest that on any given day between 40-60% of lunches go straight from the hands of the children into the bins.

They won’t do anything about it though as they are contracted to provide thousands of lunches daily and that is what they will continue to do irrespective of what happens to the lunches after they deliver them.

By all accounts, this is becoming a very expensive joke that is failing to deliver on what the government has envisaged.

Perhaps it always was the government’s intention to feed the parents as well.

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