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girl playing heart balloon wall artwork
Photo by Eric Ward. The BFD.

When John Fitzgerald Kennedy was handed the speech which had been produced by his advisors, the one he was supposed to read to the colossal crowd gathered on the free side of the Berlin Wall on June 26, 1963, he instead ripped it up and wrote his own.

The fellow was not about to demean the human deprivations of those who, although they had sufficient food in their stomachs, had been encircled, cut off from friends and family, and denied the most basic of freedoms: those of movement and socialising and commerce within their own country with their own people by an arbitrarily imposed perimeter, a very ugly experiment in authoritarianism.

Kennedy was sickened by the condescension of their plight in the draft he was handed, coming but a distant second to the diplomatic niceties designed to appease the Socialist Utopian constructors of the Berlin Wall. Calling a spade a simple spade he described the encirclement:

“an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together.” And he empathised in words that resonated across the free world: “Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.”

It is not hyperbole to compare West Berlin’s 1960s predicament to Auckland’s 2020s experiment. You may say there is no wall, but what existed in Berlin before the wall were checkpoints manned by policemen and state agents, refusing entry here or there, demanding to see papers, inquiring of the reasons for travel, demanding personal details, arresting and prosecuting transgressors. Just how different was Checkpoint Bravo from Checkpoint Bombay?

Better than a bridge. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

It’s different only in that Auckland has a genuine health emergency, falling victim, not in dozens or half-that number of individuals per day, but all at once, one and all, many more than a million, young and old, not to any flu, but to the world’s most egregious-ever case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) or, as the American College of Psychiatry prefers: Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA).

Sadly, 75-90% of all perpetrators are females who, even more sadly, deliberately fake or over-hype the effects of diseases, sometimes disabling, debilitating or even causing the death of the perfectly well simply to garner attention for themselves, just as Socialist Utopian Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern is doing in strangling our Queen City for her own aggrandisement. To keep herself in the limelight.

Shadow Foxing. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Not everybody’s productivity has been negatively affected in this era of mass delusion. Researchers at Oranga-Tamariki’s ‘Evidence Centre’ quietly released, in July 2021, a paper simply titled ‘Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another’ which described characteristic tendencies of such abusers. They “seek social approval”, they like to “appear to have high moral standards”; they “demonstrate low levels of non-medical general knowledge and high levels of concrete thinking”; they “display a general lack of insight into the harmfulness of their behaviours”, “including denying or hiding their behaviours, and lacking empathy” for the harm they cause; they “portray themselves as victims and those around them as unsupportive” (like those pesky non-vaccinated) and “display self-centeredness and passive-aggressiveness” along with myriad other traits mirrored in our very own prime minister.

Jacinda Kate Laurell; it’s time to drop this unhealthy obsession, this unwholesome experiment, this Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, this pure vanity project ‘Elimination’. In denying freedoms to Auckland’s citizens you betray them, and when you betray them, you betray us. Haven’t you noticed? They’re becoming seriously unwell.

Ich Bin Ein Aucklander. Let our people go; Ms Ardern, take that pillow off their face. Now.

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