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If You Think Hate Speech is BAD, How About a Hate SONG!

The BFD.

Our Prime Minister claims to care about stopping hate speech but like most on the left what she is really concerned about is taking away our freedom of speech by attempting to control the internet. Andrew Little appears to be holding back on his Hate Speech legislation in an election year, but the gloves will be off next year if Labour remains in government.

It is obvious that the Labour government only cares about hate speech directed towards its favoured victimhood groups, as was made clear when no one was sent to a recent very important Holocaust Remembrance Gathering in Jerusalem. This grievous insult is made even worse by the fact that the Holocaust is the best example ever of failed hate speech laws.

Like the French, the Labour government is fixated on punishing hate speech while ignoring hate crimes. Only days before the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, the Temple Sinai in Wellington was vandalised with anti-Semitic graffiti.

The BFD. Temple Sinai Wellington was vandalised with antisemitic graffiti.

Jacinda Ardern did not come out to publicly proclaim that “they are us” or to condemn the attack. If it had been a mosque that had been targeted I am sure she would have been in front of the cameras in a heartbeat wearing a hijab for good measure. The New Zealand Jewish community instead got…

Given that Ardern does not care about the affected Jewish community enough to visit even when the attack happened right there in Wellington, it is not surprising that she and the legacy media have been completely silent on a Hate Song that calls for a genocide of the Jews that has gone viral on social media site Tiktok.

A song praising “blows and slaughter” of the Jewish people is a runaway hit among Palestinians and their sympathizers on the popular social media app TikTok.
A new Palestinian hit calling for the genocide of the Jews is all the rage on TikTok, one of the most popular apps around.

New Zealand Jews, they are us. Where is Jacinda Ardern on this?

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