Of course it’s never going to happen and, for obvious reasons, not even she and her COL would be stupid enough to suggest such a thing, but if she is serious about stopping climate change (something humankind has never managed to achieve in the history of the planet – a bit like building 10,000 homes in ten years really) – China is the elephant in the room in more ways than one.
China is the world’s largest emitter of CO2 by a long way, and our virtue signalling prime minister and her equally virtue signalling associates in parliament – including the National opposition – seem not to grasp that New Zealand’s CO2 emissions will have as much effect on the planet as one individual peeing into the Pacific Ocean would have on changing the pH of the water.
How can it be that so many purportedly intelligent or at least knowledgeable people can be suckered by this unsubstantiated and baseless hoax, that started off as “Global Warming” sometime in the early to mid-1980s?
When they realised that “Global Warming” was a hoax and it wasn’t going to fly because sensible people kept challenging that concept, they changed it to “Climate Change”. There, job done. Can’t argue with that. Now let’s keep spreading the lies.
Only a moron who is even more brain dead than our current political leadership would argue that there is no such thing as climate change. Of course, climate changes. It always has and always will and the science on that is indeed settled. Whether humankind has had or is having an effect on it is the question and there is no conclusive evidence of that being a fact.
To quote the late Dr David Kear, former Director General of the DSIR, Fellow and Past Vice-President of the Royal Society of New Zealand and Past President of the New Zealand Geological Society, with over 100 publications on New Zealand and Pacific geology, vulcanology and mineral resources to his name and who has been publishing on sea-levels since the 1950s:
Humans discovered that they could ameliorate climatic effects with buildings, clothing and the rest, and even create “microclimates” through windbreaks, forest clearing, artificial lakes, fossil fuel burning, and the rest. However, no-one originally thought seriously that man could change the basic influences to our climate – our Sun, our Earth’s rotation, the total quantity of our Planet’s water, and the rest.
Mother Nature is able to change all such things (and has been doing so for some 3,000,000,000 years), but we are not.
Quoted from a paper posted in 2014
[the NON-EXISTENT, incredibly expensive, THREAT TO US ALL, including to our GRANDCHILDREN]
He points out that the whole hoax started from a “Conference on Global Warming” held in Vienna in 1985 and has continued to spread unabated ever since.
His article should give every thinking person cause to think. The whole CO2 “greenhouse” effect is hugely suspect. As he points out:
Horticultural experiments long ago found that more (thicker) glass does not cause more warming, so more CO2 probably doesn’t either.
Simple, logical and pretty much common sense. His article is worth reading though I suspect we’re preaching to the converted here and those who would most benefit from reading it never will.