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Photo by Clem Onojeghuo. The BFD.

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

The Ihumatao protest was a fraud, a con-job, bluster, bulldust, nonsense.

Why? Because before any ‘steering group’ can be formed:

“The first thing that has to happen is; the mythology of the SOUL protest, the cognitive dissonance that was promoted through their campaign and through media has to be dismantled so we can look at the land without the overlay of mythology on it. It is not a sacred burial ground, it never was.”
Pania Newton. SOUL protest leader

Dismantling those fairy-tales embraced by the gullible press and Ardern alike will not be straightforward because the entire narrative of the ‘protest’ and associated propaganda fuelled by ‘experts’ and wannabe ‘academics’ will necessarily need to be shown for what it always was: pure fiction. And that’s a bitter medicine no amount of sugar will hide the taste of:

“The pathway of bringing peace, after everything that happened at Ihumatao, is not a formula we have a prescription for.”

Then there’s the question of who should be directing the decision-making; the inventors of the Ihumatao myths with but an imaginary and emotional connection to the land, or the descendants of the long-term historical ‘ahika’ [occupiers]:

“The issue on the table has to be: who belongs there? SOUL? Or the ahika?

The issues surrounding the bluster, the fog, of protest were reconcilable to the rational, but not to the modern activist mind that adopts emotion rather than reason in this, the age of hyperbole. Indeed Ardern’s entire leadership model is framed by hyperbole and masked by a fawning press; the examples are now so numerous that future historians will look back on this period and be seriously concerned that such an inventive liar ever held such sway.

The Ihumatao lie was endorsed by Ardern: she created the problem, and her protectors will not out the truth until she is regarded as dispensable.

That time can’t come too soon.

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