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Is Hollywood’s Love Affair With Islam Over?

Photo by 12019. The BFD.

I know we at The BFD like to mock them, but spare some pity for the poor, progressive left. I mean, it can’t be easy, spending your every waking moment trying to figure out who’s the biggest victim in any given social interaction. It must be a lifetime of non-stop trolley problems in their heads: do they side with the gay Indigenous woman or the disabled transgender Muslim?

Hollywood “progressives”, of course, suffer from no such doubts: their moral compass in unerring and ever-reliable. Morality is wherever the money is.

As I recently wrote, Hollywood is celebrating its newfound independence of China’s vast rivers of gold by finally criticising, in the mildest possible terms, the aggressive, genocidal regime whose arse it relentlessly kissed while the money was coming in.

Now, Hollywood has clearly worked out that the pillow biter’s dollar is a surer bet than the tea-towel wearer’s riyal.

Socio-political critics of Pixar’s progressive flop, Lightyear have been mocked as 14 countries banned the ‘kids animated film’ for its homoeroticism.

The United Arab Emirates and other majority-Muslim countries have either banned or halted distribution of the film, protesting Lightyear’s LGBTQ+ promotional content.

Which begs the question, of course, of just why a children’s film even needs “LGBTQ+ promotional content”. But, I digress.

Indonesia’s chairman of the Film Censorship Institute, Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, told the New York Times that the scene potentially violates a law that prohibits movies showing ‘deviant sexual behaviour’ […]

Chinese law also means the Lightyear LGBTQ+ will be kept lightyears away from impressionable audiences.

In a new-found mood of exuberance that’s surely nothing to do with the plummeting Chinese box office for Hollywood movies, critics dubbed the Chinese market “irrelevant”. Pretty strong words from an industry which said nothing when the makers of Mulan thanked the government of Xinjiang — home to China’s modern gulags.

Despite the film’s embarrassing financial losses, and damaged market relations, instead of working with those concerns, Lightyear’s filmmakers chose to belittle the film’s critics instead.

Try to imagine, if you can, the left-media reaction if, say Mel Gibson called Islam, “backward beliefs”, or Ted Nugent slammed the Chinese as “Idiots” (they’ve been screaming for years that Morrissey’s a “Nazi” for saying something similar). But, as ever with the left, it’s ok when they do it.

Producer, Galyn Susman, stated:

‘We had been warned this would be a likely outcome. We weren’t going to change the movie we wanted to make just because of a few countries with — for a lack of a better term — backward beliefs.’

Similarly, Leftist actorvist, Chris Evans – who replaced the irreplaceable Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear; for what appears to be political reasons – called those opting out of introducing children to LGBTQ+ content in films, ‘idiots’.

Lightyear is expected to not even recoup its production cost of $200m (compare its $80m US take to the $700m break-even benchmark for Toy Story 4 — which had an identical production cost. The Lightyear floparoo is just the latest incarnation of gettin’ woke and goin’ broke.

More importantly, it’s a danger sign for the Giant Mouse, which has drifted so far from its founder’s family-friendly vision that it’s a wonder Walt hasn’t done a Godzilla, breaking free from his icy prison and stomping the corporation to the ground.

Fallout over Pixar’s progressive flop is the first test for Disney, after the company publicly repented in March, vowing to be a ‘stronger LGBTQ+ ally’.

Living out their penance, Disney now has less room for neutral content, as well as an increasingly zero-tolerance for independent thought, and the company’s Conservative Christian employees […]

It’s fair to ask why Lightyear’s creators get a free ride, when their belittling of the film’s socio-political critics, are, by the Left’s standards to be wandering toward the realm of ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘racism’.

Especially when it comes to the Leftist doctrines of inclusivity, multiculturalism, niceness, nuance, and ‘hate speech’.

Spectator Australia

As I said, life is an endless series of intersectional trolley problems for the left. But for the Hollywood left, it’s more like a spaghetti maze with a pile of cash at the end. Right now, they’ve figured that the quickest way to the loot is to take the pink path and bypass Mecca and Beijing entirely.

Wait till they discover that it’s not the pooves who have the biggest familes.


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The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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