Rod Kane
At this stage of the game I’m starting to get nervous. The feral and rabid Hipkins, the deceitful, schoolboy, unionist screamer with no manners and no clues, knows he’s toast and will be doing everything he can to sabotage the incoming government. (See the optimism right there, hidden in that message?)
So what’s the bet that when Nicola opens the books they fall apart, turn to dust and then we find that good ole chippy hasn’t ordered another shipload of fuel?
On to an encouraging thought;
For all that we hate Peters for what he gave us in 2017, and the colossal grief that came with it, I personally, honestly think he will be a bonus to our next government.
Luxon hasn’t got the guts to say what we need said, Seymour repeatedly shoots himself in the foot by scrapping with a potential partner, and Peters can get away with stuff that we can’t.
Peters must bitterly regret what he did back in 2017 and in spite of what he says, he nearly destroyed NZ First and this will be his last hurrah, also for NZ First if he gets it wrong. He will not want to go out on a bad note after a lifetime of politics. Now is the time for him to be sensible, go for the things that he knows we want to see, and work constructively with the next government to get it.
ACT’s policies are not too far away and if we can get the Nats to realise that we don’t want race based politics in ANY form, particularly an end to Maori seats local and national, an end to the Waitangi Tribunal, an end to the language takeover, the rorts and the handouts for doing nothing and a repeal of all race based legislation in order to give us our country back, we will vote them back in again in 2026
If Peters can deliver us that he will go out a national hero and not the treacherous mongrel he was back in 2017. Now is his chance, I think he will go for it.