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It Ain’t All Over till the Fat Man Sings

Trump it’s not over til the fat lady sings

It ain’t all over till the fat man sings and we know he won’t yet, no matter what the media in America say. Trump has said, “If you count the legal votes I easily win.” Finding votes at 4 in the morning and counting them when the vote counting has supposedly stopped is not okay.

Recounts and legal challenges are on in swing states. Philly, the city founded by the Quakers, has had a “batch” of 23,277 ballots turn up all for Biden. This is not statistically possible. In Luzerne county, another 4,000 votes have turned up for Biden out of a 5,300 total.

Pennsylvania is the keystone state in more ways that one as it has 20 electoral votes, so the heat is on there. GOP observers have been denied access in some cases when they are legally entitled to be there. A judge has ordered votes that came in after 8pm on November 4 to be kept separate from others.

In NEVADA there were 3,062 votes from people who had moved from the state. This is voter fraud.

The Federal Government have done a sting according to Steve Pieczenik. All true ballots have been marked with a “watermark”. He says this was planned since May 2018 in anticipation of voter fraud. It’s going to be bigger than Watergate. According to Pieczenik, 40% of counted ballots in Arizona and Michigan did not contain the watermark.

In Detroit, a whistleblower has signed an affidavit which says dates were added to empty ballots.

Trump will go full animal on this. It was not the 14% lead predicted by Nate Silver, plus representation in the Senate and the House has gone up, both of which are another indication that Trump is still in the game. On top of that, he has gained 5.7 million extra votes.

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