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It’s Misogyny Week This Week

misogyny female woman women

The past week must have been declared ‘Misogyny Week’ by the United Nations, unbeknownst to us, we the people who don’t matter because the prime minister’s attack dogs rounded on this theme and sent their underlings to do their work under the guise of ‘journalism’ and ‘commentary’.

It’s all so ridiculous and no mistake that misogyny week coincided with come-clean-on-vaccine-injury week in which the press were permitted to announce the third definitive death (along with 61 still under investigation or for which they claim insufficient information to investigate further) caused by the Pfizer concoction, and that ACC’s acceptance of injury claims following vaccination was escalating, especially in relation to the twin carditis’s: Myo and Peri.

Photo by Pexels. The BFD.

Absent from the misogyny claims was the very real misogyny of inequitable injury suffered by the female of the species in this country, paralleled (and documented) by overseas experience to which the very inclusive health authorities and indeed government of these fine isles are so wilfully obtuse, less than honest and unforthcoming.

That ignoring, that looking away, that pretending-not-to-know is actual misogyny, real misogyny, writ large.

Leading the obfuscation, it seems, was a woman: Dr Nikki Turner from the Immunisation Advisory Centre who, in response to a question from Ryan Bridge, fudged the truth of actively down-playing vaccine adverse side-effects in order not to disrupt the roll-out by claiming, “That was in the very early days” and that since then there had been total transparency; including around the cardiac reactions, which, as most of us know, is simply untrue.

It was not until mid-December 2021 (hardly ‘early days’) that our Director-General of Health felt sufficiently concerned to send an ‘Urgent memo’ to all our health practitioners and governing bodies to be aware of the causal relationship vis-à-vis vaccine and ventricular vicissitudes.

The DG reliably down-played the possible numbers in the notice, claiming about ‘3 reactions per 100,000’ jabs, which clearly gives our fair country a population of 26,500,000 souls to account for the 784 adversely-cardiac-affected individuals (so far) over the course of the vaccine roll-outs, not to mention 1,800+ reports of tachycardia (racing heartbeat) or the 86 outright myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).

Dr Nikki Turner was also quoted in a Stuff article re the higher incidence of women claiming compensation for vaccine-related injury, brushing it off, speculating the much higher percentage (69%) of female ACC claimants may be indicative of women’s health-seeking behaviours relative to men. Or in fact, it could be that which Dr Turner chooses not to mention: that women are reporting the (almost exactly the same) ratio of total adverse reactions to the vaccine – in this country the numbers are 42,000+ (69.9%) women reporting adverse reactions of the total 61,000-odd recorded. Is that not a safety signal in and of itself? Is completely ignoring that stark figure the right thing to do?

The New Zealand figure, as mentioned, is mirrored overseas with the WHO’s ‘Vigiaccess’ homogenised database of databases reporting the same lopsidedness in adverse reactions affecting women (67%), yet nobody seems to care, especially not our Medsafe who glibly batted my enquiries and suppositions away, claiming (more or less) that since adverse events are (largely, but not majority) self-reported they are essentially meaningless, and they don’t intend to investigate further.

One can only wonder what the reaction might be if the more protected minority species, those higher up in the Great Pyramid of Wokeness, were found to be so inequitably adversely affected, self-reported or not. Would there be the Great Wall of Silence, obvious even from outer space, that there is currently to this wilful muteness, this refusal to even discuss the anomaly affecting mere women? This utter misogyny?

This week a woman I know very well, a Jacinda-phile I count among my very favourite communists, who works on the front-line of severe medical emergency in a busy ICU unit, said one of her colleagues had a (very) bad reaction to her booster shot, suffering a potentially deadly pericardial effusion (fluid leak into the heart-sac) and that further, her unit and others were seeing ‘heaps’ of them and similar. She said, “It shouldn’t be happening.”

And she’s right, of course. Mr Bloomfield blithely reported in his December 15, 2021 notice that the adverse cardiac reactions were occurring “Approximately equally in both males and females” – they shouldn’t be, it’s a predominantly male medical anomaly in the vaccine-free wild, and that those were occurring in “a median age of diagnosed cases in the mid-30s”. They shouldn’t be, exactly as my trusted informant with more than 12 years of experience in ICU stated. The victims should be much older.

Point this out, ask questions; you’ll be stonewalled, waved away; the press, politicians and appropriate authorities will completely ignore you, but pencil a moustache on the prime minister’s image claiming she’s Hitler and you’ll be called a misogynist, as you very well should be. She much more clearly resembles Goebbels.
