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Judith Collins and David Seymour’s Misstep

Image credit The BFD.

I am both an ACT supporter and a fan of both Judith Collins and David Seymour but they both have made a misstep in withdrawing their support for New Zealander Chris Liddell.

Liddell has had the privilege of advising President Donald Trump for the past four years and the President nominated him for the position of Secretary-General of the OECD last year. The nomination was a  great honour for one of our fellow Kiwis and at the time it appeared that he had the support of both National and ACT leaders Judith Collins and David Seymour.

The New Zealand businessman-turned Donald Trump advisor was nominated for the job by the US president last year.

At the time, opposition leader Judith Collins said it was a no-brainer for the government to back Liddell, describing him as highly qualified.

[…] In November, Collins said the experienced businessman would work more in New Zealand’s interests than anyone else in the role.
Asked at the time if his appointment would be in the country’s interests given the Trump administration has undermined the WTO and various global treaties, she said: “I’m sure you’ll find that when he’s in that job, should he be fortunate enough to get it, he will be looking to the whole of the situation, particularly for New Zealand.”

[…] In October last year, ACT deputy leader Brooke van Velden told Stuff the country should be united in supporting “a high-achieving New Zealander” for the international role.

So what has changed? Why on earth would both Collins and Seymour think that it would be a good idea to withdraw their support for Liddell?

The National Party has rescinded its backing for Chris Liddell to take over as secretary-general of the OECD given the recent rioting at the United States Capitol.
[…] in a statement issued to RNZ, Collins said the US Capitol riot had rightly tarnished those who incited the violence.
“The rioting that took place in the US Capitol was a disgraceful attack on democracy,” Collins said.
“Mr Liddell’s ties to the Trump Administration cannot be overlooked here, making it difficult to see how he would be suitable to uphold the OECD’s strong commitment to democracy.”

[…] National is not the only party backing away from its support for Liddell, with ACT also performing an about-face.

[…] ACT leader David Seymour said the party could no longer support Liddell’s nomination given “his refusal to denounce the more recent events”.
Up to a point, you can say, look the guy is trying to be professional … don’t blame him for the guy he works for,” Seymour said.
“[But] the role of the president in encouraging people to go about the protests which turned extremely violent was unconscionable.”
Liddell last week told the NZ Herald he was “horrified” by the riots and “unconditionally” condemned them. Seymour said he had not seen those remarks.
I think that there is something seriously wrong when both the leader of the National Party and ACT find themselves in agreement with a left-wing activist and mistress of hyperbole like Green MP Golriz Ghahraman.
“Right now, it is literally dangerous to back a man who helped lead America’s disastrous Covid-19 response,” foreign affairs spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman said on Twitter.

The bottom line for me is that President Donald Trump is not guilty of what he has been accused of by both the MSM and the Democrats.

In fact, prior to the march on the Capitol, when speaking to hundreds of thousands of peaceful patriots, he enjoined them to:

“… peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Even if he had incited violence (he didn’t) why on earth should his adviser be held accountable for his sins? Would any of us like to have our careers ruined because of something that our boss did? Whatever happened to political parties that believe in personal responsibility of the individual and personal accountability?

Political commentator Lindsay Perigo was incensed by the withdrawal of support for Chris Liddell.

What is unconscionable is that preening, virtue-signalling grandstanders like you, GGG and CCP Collins——who never said a word about Only Black Lives Matter/Profa riotings, arsons, lootings and killings that went on for months (or the takeover by OBLM of NZ institutions such as the NZ School of Music)—are butt-licking the vile media and political establishments in order to score likes on Faecesbook and other Woke-Fascist Big Tech platforms.

Don’t hold back Lindsay, tell us what you really think…

You, Chicom Collins and Snake Seymour are worse than the likes of Jihadi Jacinda Podesta and Golriz Ghahraman. At least they are sincere and open about their evil. You pretend to occupy the moral high ground while competing to surpass them on their low ground.

Lindsay Perigo


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