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fought like hell

Sir Bob Jones

A couple of weeks back impassioned and possibly drunk, Green MP Julie-Anne Genter, stormed across Parliament, leapt up on a typically non-descript National MP’s desk, lifted her skirt, pulled down her pants and peed on his head.

Not content with that, she then grabbed a ballpoint pen from the hapless Nat’s desk and launched herself at the speaker with the intent of running it through his heart, before being leapt on by staff, handcuffed and led away shouting “Sieg Heil”.

Of course none of that actually happened but had it done, the dying media’s response to what did occur, couldn’t have been greater than had my fictional account been the reality. In full pack-hunting mode they’ve dug deep to unearth further “scandal”, in the process providing overwhelmingly evidence why they’re held in public odium and contempt.

Their first unearthed “scandal” was a disgruntled florist who complained to Julie-Anne about cycle paths killing her retail business. Apparently Julie-Anne, as might be reasonably expected given her promotion of these cycle paths, behaved outrageously by actually defending them, instead of dropping to the ground and sobbing in remorse. And so it went with ever more preposterously bogus bullying allegations.

Genter is one of a minority of MPs who are in parliament to passionately pursue a philosophy rather than personal ambition.  Those MPs are the Greens & ACT members.

I do not know her but if I did I’d offer brilliant and time proven advice how to deal with bogus scandal-creating journalists’ sensationalism. Specifically I’d get her into a gym and teach her how to throw effective left and right hooks.

In my past public life, wearing a variety of different hats, I never copped more public adulation than after I laid out three of the bastards on the Tongariro river nearly 40 years back, an action David Lange, against my initial resistance, insisted I accept a knighthood for. And then pressed by disgruntled journalists over my public spirited doing God’s work action against their colleagues, David came up with a classic Lange response, specifically plainly the Queen has forgiven Bob.

A final comment: I don’t support the Greens approach to climate warming, which I find defeatist, mindful of the multitude of new technologies being worked on to combat the issue. But then I’ve always been a keen believer in having your cake and eating it too.

Julie-Anne has been the victim of preposterous media hyperbole. She should sleep comfortably mindful of the certain knowledge that the public see these for what they are, namely a witch-hunting, cowardly media beat up.

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